Rock Band

Ronin Storm

Staff member
At long last, Eurogamer have posted their X360 Rock Band review.

Says pretty much what I feel: if I had three friends to play it with frequently then it'd be great and we could split the cost, but I don't and I can't play the World Tour bit online, so £140ish is too steep and is going to remain too steep for me.

Here's to hoping that Guitar Hero World Tour (aka GH4) is a bit more affordable or at least doesn't require me to have enough people for a real band here in York...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As TB says...

But also, imports always risk being hit up for customs charges and by that point you can find you're paying more to import than it'd cost locally.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
That said, I've just realised I'm being completely dense.

I have GH2 and GH3, with guitars for both. I have a 360 headset. There are only two of us in the house and we can probably get by without the drums.

I could get just the game and leave it at that. Then I get the songs and DLC but only pay £40 for it.


Junior Administrator
That said, I've just realised I'm being completely dense.

I have GH2 and GH3, with guitars for both. I have a 360 headset. There are only two of us in the house and we can probably get by without the drums.

I could get just the game and leave it at that. Then I get the songs and DLC but only pay £40 for it.


Also, if you want to try out the singing part, I believe that ANY USB microphone is suitable


Well-Known Member
you would then need an american xbox to play it on...

You could always buy the game alone here, then order the guitars, drums, banjo, whatever else there is from America (Assuming the controllers are the same no-matter the region?). But as Ronin said, the import costs...

And Ronin, I also heard (from the same source) you can't use GH controlls on Rock Band.


Staff member
Psi, that makes absolutely no sense and would simply cost way more money. Those aren't exactly small boxes, shipping would cost a fortune.

You cannot use the GH3 controller with Rock Band if you own a PS3 (in North America, I should add.) The 360 version supports them just fine.

As I understand, you guys don't even have the PS3 version yet, so not really an issue.

Also, Harmonix had a patch for the PS3 version to make it work with those guitars, but somehow Activision was able to pull some kind of bullshit and have Sony block the patch. I wouldn't be surprised if the patched code ended up on the retail disc released on your side of the world.


Junior Administrator
Ok. Looked through the downloadable content at the weekend and downloaded some stuff.

Still alive by GladOS and Jonathan Coulton

need I say more?

This game's awesomeness just went even higher.


Junior Administrator
Ok, so I have the Rockband disk, and the instruments should arrive from play on Monday/Tuesday. Played it round a mates the other day and I love it!


Staff member
So, now that quite a number of us have this, shall we try to get a band together? During the weekend would probably work best due to timezone constraints here, but I'm open to suggestions.


Junior Administrator
So, now that quite a number of us have this, shall we try to get a band together? During the weekend would probably work best due to timezone constraints here, but I'm open to suggestions.

Seems like a plan to me, I'd have to wander over to Vibs' but as I seem to live there anyway that's not really an issue.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I could play but I can't drum as I have no drum kit; the game's price seemed reasonable and, in hindsight, is far and away worth the £40 I paid for it given the fun Rojaws and I have had with it. £70-75 for a drum kit, though, is just too much for me. Rojaws was threatening to get it for me for my birthday but we'll see... :)