Rock Band


Staff member
You have to assume they're doing their best, though. There has to be a reason they can't sell the game + controller bundle that I got.

Their business model depends on them getting tons of copies out, and then selling DLC. I really doubt they'd cripple themselves like this unless they abosultely had to (for legal reasons, most likely.)


Staff member
I like the way he's speaking about "Choice". Yeah, we can choose to have less than what they get overseas, but still pay as much as they do. OR, we get the fantabulous choice of getting the full game, but paying twice as much! Wohoo!

The big price tag isn't what's bothering me, really, it's that they screw us over double by first maing us wait six months to release it here, and then hitching up the price. Really, we should be paying less due to all the waiting.

Yeah, it's unfair. Things that are unfair annoy me.


Junior Administrator
I am thinking that the fact it is not released together may be partly because of the same reasons that Microsoft are getting into so much trouble with the EU regarding antitrust laws. If they bundle it all up i guess there is scope for them to get done over in the same way...


Well-Known Member
BiG_D works for EA. He's signed up to 100s of forums. He doesn't actually play Rock Band, as a matter of fact, he hates it! He just gets the dudes at EA to give him a high score and he goes on to these hundreds of forums and screams "Rock band! *FAP *FAP*". Remember that broken drum pedal? He threw it at a child. That's how it broke.

I know you think this is absurd, but it's working. Slowly but surely the idea of Rock Band being amazing seeps in and that's why you will all eventually buy it, price drop or not. :)


Staff member
Remember that broken drum pedal? He threw it at a child. That's how it broke.
Don't be absurd. The pedal is way more sturdy than that. You have to be beating the child with it directly.

Even then, four out of five of my Rock Band[sup]TM[/sup] brand pedals outlasted the child!


Junior Administrator
As notice, play are kicking it out for £99.99 for the instrument pack and £39.99 for the game. Additionally the drums alone can be brought for £69.99, and the stratocaster for £59.99.

This means for a full band you are paying a smidge short of £200 at £199.97. However to just play the drums will cost you £109.98.
The semi band will cost £139.98.
Considering you can buy GH3 for £64.99, if you don't have a 2nd guitar already then to me it seems logical to choose the instrument pack and game, then buy gh3 to give you rockband, gh3, drums, stratocaster, les paul, and microphone for only £5 more than the full band price.



Staff member
Really depends if the 2nd guitar is that important to you. You can easily get along without it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I guess, in theory, that works. I already have GH2 and GH3 so I already have two guitars, but I understand that the RB guitar has additional functionality and a switchless strummer for quiet operation.

However, I still refuse to buy it until the instrument pack plus the game comes in under £130. I'm feeling exceedingly stubborn that way.


In Cryo Sleep
As I pointed out to bloke the other day:

Save a little money on it ...

Rock Band (Solus) = 39.99
Rock Band: band in a Box = 99.99

use code 'experience08' to save yourself 5%

Just to take the edge off it for you loony bins that are actually planning to buy the thing.


Junior Administrator
I should be getting my Grubby little mitts on this today or at the latest tomorrow.

Verdict to follow. If I can pull myself away from it, that is...


Junior Administrator
I am getting it for £133.

Long story I could go into but that's how much it's costing me.

I'll let you know if its worth it after a while :)