Saddam Hussein Sentenced To Death


In Cryo Sleep
According to this BBC news story, Saddam Hussein has finally been convicted of crimes against humanity by a Baghdad court. He was sentenced to death by hanging, along with his half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and Iraq's former chief judge Awed Hamad Al-Bandar.

Shortly after the verdict was announced celebratory gunfire could be heard across Baghdad

So, he's finally been brought to justice, and the (majority of) Iraqi people appear to be very happy indeed. Thoughts anyone? I'm satisfied with this verdict, personally. Just to have him removed from existence, put his victims at peace and then let us move on. I'm sure some of you will disagree. Let yourself be known!


hmm, personally I think that death was too good for him. A good bit of torturing for a couple of weeks and then death sounds good to me but ahh what the hell. I just feel that the death sentence is a very easy way out of it all.

Anyway better the gallows than the electric chair. I wonder is it a public hanging?


Well-Known Member
Personally,stick him in a room with no window that's to small to stand in and to short to lie in and stick him there for life!


Staff member
I dont believe in the death sentence but I accept that whilst he is alive he will become a focal point for many more troubles. It may be a case of the lesser of two evils i.e. life imprisonment would allow his followers the hope of his returning to power whereas his death draws a line under that posibility.

It remains to be seen whether iraq remains one country or three in the future. If it fails to hold itself toegether and splits then it will be easy pickings for Iran.

Hopefully this is another step towards self governance and a calming of the violence.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with Haven, hopefully this may calm some of the violence however I still find it unlikely as some of the extremists will continue.


Staff member
Amnesty International said:
The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

It violates the right to life.

I agreee with AI on this. There wasn't really any doubt that he would be convected imho.

I'm not gonna do the whole "compare the effects of his decisions to the effects of the decisions of the curent US gov." thing, because you know it already. But I think this might be a good time to think about it.


New Member
I say stick him in some filthy scumhole somewhere and torture him until his heart gives up on him. Hanging is way too nice considering what he did. He should be made to suffer first. :mad: :mad: :mad:


In Cryo Sleep
Haven said it perfectly.

Life in prison would be easier if he would be detained somewhere far away, The Hague for example. That would discourage his followers and make his escape practically impossible.

By the way, i don't think this is final, he can and probably will appeal.


In Cryo Sleep
I say stick him in some filthy scumhole somewhere and torture him until his heart gives up on him. Hanging is way too nice considering what he did. He should be made to suffer first. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Would you like to do that personally? I mean really would you have the nerve to do something like that to someone, even him?

Just a question.............


In Cryo Sleep
I am in agreement with Nanor tbh, Death is good, but it seems like a shortcut and his followers will see him as a martyr now :(


In Cryo Sleep
I am in agreement with Nanor tbh, Death is good, but it seems like a shortcut and his followers will see him as a martyr now :(

I thought someone might say that, and I say : just as long as he is removed from the face of the earth, I don't care what anyone chooses to think of him as. As far as toture goes, I would really hate to see us sink to his abysmal level, and maybe just maybe he'll be grateful to us for not being bloodthirsty fanatics. I think that would be the best way. Either that or just say 'Ok you're free to go 'and throw him onto the streets of Baghdad - come what may after that.


In Cryo Sleep
Oops, did I say bloodthirsty? I meant something along the lines of least painful (physically) or most humane (humane, arguably). To be honest, bloodthirsty isn't a terrible term given the context.
Assuming that you don't condone torture as a means of justice (I'm including the rack, sticking sharp objects under fingernails, oil down throat as well as being detained in a room too low to stand in, yet too small to lie down in and sitting in a stress position whilst being forced to listen to Girls Aloud in this wide 'torture' bracket), I'm not really sure there is any other form of punishment suitable for such a crime.


Junior Administrator
And now for the most controversial comment of the day:

I believe in the Bible's comment "An Eye for an Eye."

So in my opinion, kill the fucker. He's not worth the effort.


Staff member
You can probably find any justification for anything you like if you look hard enough, the bible is no exception to this rule and I certainly feel it does not lend any moral authority to your opinion.

An eye for an eye leads to cyclical violence, someone harms you or someone you care about, you harm them, someone else then steps up and harms you for harming someone they care about.

Setting a precident for an undending cycle of violence that innevitably escalates due to misunderstanding and propoganda is utterly stupid and a quick way to exctinction for us all. Given todays technologies and our unending chase for new ways to kill more people with less effort we really need to start taking account of the effects of our actions and thoughts much more.

I would hope that inelligence would override such base emotions but sadly the world proves me wrong on this. Yes we all think and say things that could lead to violence, but its only when we act (including the act of innaction) that we ensure violence actually occurs.

I personally think we should spend more time considering the moral basis of our thoughts and our philosophy towards others. But thought takes effort, swinging a fist is easy.


Staff member
,,,so, the torture that Bush is currently ordering, that's alright, is it? or should he get capital punishment as well?


In Cryo Sleep
,,,so, the torture that Bush is currently ordering, that's alright, is it? or should he get capital punishment as well?

Link me to this torture. If indeed Bush is running electrical shocks through prisoners, sticking their knuckles in vices, gassing civilians because of their beliefs or beheading prisoners on live television then yes, I do believe that capital punishment would be an adequate measure of justice.


In Cryo Sleep
And now for the most controversial comment of the day:

I believe in the Bible's comment "An Eye for an Eye."

So in my opinion, kill the fucker. He's not worth the effort.

Eye for an eye is in the old testament of the bible, many parts of the old testament condradict the teachings of the new. Jesus did not agree with this action of an eye for an eye in one of the stories of the new testament:

You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:38-39

However I'm not saying we should let him just continue, I agree some form of stopping him should be in place. But by putting him to death are we not following 'an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' approach?