Saddam Hussein Sentenced To Death


New Member
I feel that you should be punished for doing bad things. Which he did a lot of. I think that Death is a fair punishment, although I take back my earlier comments on torturing him first, I had just finished watching ITN's report on all the bad things he did, and I saw red.

Of course, I can say that I believe in Capital Punishment, because not being the most holy of people means that I don't have to follow the teachings of God, or any other religious figurehead.


Junior Administrator
I think religious or not capital punishment isn't right, purely from the point of view of what does it actually achieve. I belive he deserves to be punished for all the terrible crimes he commited, however i don't see how killing another human because of what they have done can be acceptable.


In Cryo Sleep
Ditto, I mean who are we to decide his fate? Going to prison forever seems quite alot worse than death. I mean if you were given the choice of being put to death or going to prison until you died with no chance of bail, which would you choose. In my opinion I would have to choose the 1st rather than the latter.


In Cryo Sleep
Of course, I can say that I believe in Capital Punishment, because not being the most holy of people means that I don't have to follow the teachings of God, or any other religious figurehead.
Interesting you should say that, in the USA it is the christian right that is in favour of the death sentence. I on the other hand am an atheist and against the death penalty mainly on humanist (moral) grounds. The UN declaration of human rights also bans the death penalty.

Today's Pestcontrol Paradox (tm): Having no god is no excuse for being godless.

Having no guidance from religion means you only have greater self-responsibility in keeping up some morals.


New Member
Of course, and I consider myself to be a very moral person. However, I do believe in the death penalty. I would like to see the death penalty brought back in the UK as a punishment for the most horrible of crimes (Child Rape, Serial Killing etc. etc.)

@ Decky, I see what you mean about choosing peoples fate, but isn't sending people to prison choosing their fate as well?


Junior Administrator
People can't be trusted with power. Tell them it's okay to kill someone else, and you open the floodgates... I'm not keen to hand over any more power to the already sprawling government we have today.

I don't see how the death penalty is justified in any cases - at the end of the day, living a half life is far far worse than a quick death. People should always be given the chance to repent for what they have done, but at the same time I am under no illusions that Saddam would not have repented if he'd lived to be one thousand and twenty. But even in this case with (forgive my description) a genocidal maniac, I refuse to endorse the death penalty.


In Cryo Sleep
Not necessarily, as they can sometimes apply for bail and whatnot, but mainly, if you sentence someone to death it declines them the right to change


In Cryo Sleep
Bail can be part of the sentence, or rather lack of it. In the Netherlands life in prison really does mean life in prison, only the queen can pardon you and she's not a very compassionate woman when it comes to criminals.
In certain states in the US the judge can sentence someone to life in prison "without the possibility of parole", or it is possible that you are only eglible for parole in 300 years or something silly like that.