I wasn't sure if you wanted to be interviewed or not, and by the time I would have asked you I was already swimming in respondents.
You make it sound so sinister!

I had a word budget of 10,000 words, and about 100,000+ words from the interviews, which I organised by theme, then cut down to the most compelling/interesting set, same with my notes from literary sources, then used the leaner set of quotations and notes to direct the flow of my dissertation within the plan that I had written.
Now, if I had had an unlimited word count I probably would have been able to fit in most, if not everyone, into the project, and there would have been more strands to the themes, but, alas, I did not have the space. I don't think I even got to talk much about the differences between teamspeak, forum interaction, instant messaging, etc. which I thought was very interesting.