Social Research Project


Active Member
Oh, you were plenty interesting, I just had to be very picky with the narrative that I ended up going with, I was basically choosing who I was going to quote/talk about next as I was writing, so wherever my train of thought went was backed up by suitable interviewees, and there being 36 of you and only 10,000 words available meant I couldn't fit in everyone.

Heck, I didn't have enough space to talk about community with regard this forum due to lack of room, which made me sad!

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I can't believe I wasn't interesting enough to be quoted :'(

Buck up man, I wasn't even interesting enough to be interviewed!

Oh, you were plenty interesting, I just had to be very picky with the narrative that I ended up going with, I was basically choosing who I was going to quote/talk about next as I was writing, so wherever my train of thought went was backed up by suitable interviewees, and there being 36 of you and only 10,000 words available meant I couldn't fit in everyone.

Heck, I didn't have enough space to talk about community with regard this forum due to lack of room, which made me sad!

Cherry picking data? :eek:


Active Member
I wasn't sure if you wanted to be interviewed or not, and by the time I would have asked you I was already swimming in respondents. :p

You make it sound so sinister! ;) I had a word budget of 10,000 words, and about 100,000+ words from the interviews, which I organised by theme, then cut down to the most compelling/interesting set, same with my notes from literary sources, then used the leaner set of quotations and notes to direct the flow of my dissertation within the plan that I had written.

Now, if I had had an unlimited word count I probably would have been able to fit in most, if not everyone, into the project, and there would have been more strands to the themes, but, alas, I did not have the space. I don't think I even got to talk much about the differences between teamspeak, forum interaction, instant messaging, etc. which I thought was very interesting.


Junior Administrator
So I just read this, think I recognised one or two of the GC members from descriptions. An extremely interesting piece of work Xar and well done on not putting too much of a personal spin on it!

Hope it does ok in marking..


Active Member
Cheers Vibs! Aye, I always imagined that people in the community would probably be able to figure out who's whom from descriptions, seeing as we're rather tight-knit and all, but I don't think anyone outside of the forums (i.e. everyone else reading it) will be able to. :)

Glad you found it interesting, trying to avoid getting too personal is an important thing for these kinds of papers, but, on the other hand, you have to demonstrate how your own position will reflect on how you interpret the data and so on, otherwise you won't be flagging your own personal biases and so on, if that makes sense. It's also a really good way to make your writing more compelling (at least for other sociologists), as showing that you have your own slant from the outset gives the impression that you are taking it into account while writing, and thus creating a more "neutral" piece.

Aye, it's gonna be a month or two more until I get the marks back I think, but I'll let y'all know when I get them. :)