Additional : Downloading on my home 1mb connection : 50kb/s.
Downloading on Bex's virgin cable internet : 600 kb/s
Should be done this evening. Its 8 gig, and one Percent is taking about 5 minutes. Tis speeding up though. Like, win.
I doubt many people want to get into it. (It being one of the more Nerdy subjects around...Plus the main factor: Addiction to wow.)
I personally think It's worth a try at LEAST, It feels more..personal compared to EvE (If you want to compare Space Combat, Not insulting EVE though, It's good in It's own way.) since you control -everything- that happens (Shields, when your weapons fire (Unless you have them on Auto Fire) plus having Bridge Officers means you can personalize your build. Ground Combat is a 'lil annoying (As in, you need to click / use a button) to cast / shoot / whatever.
For the Record 1-6 = Federation, then you get the option to go Klingon (Melee weapon + Ranged at start, compared to just a Ranged on Federation.)
But if you want to TRY And make a Fleet for THN (And if anyone decided "Oh. I'll give it a go." then we have a place for them.) I'll be up for it.