StratLAN summer party is no more...


Junior Administrator
so with the move to Telford now confirmed, what that also means is that there will be no iLite...

so: StratLAN?


bob had a plan for something else to do but i'll let him elaborate :)


Junior Administrator
bob is pissed off. So as a response bob is going to get pissed.

I have holiday now not really when I want it at a not ideal time of year for me (fucking hate heat).

So if I can afford to do so I'm going to get a plane to probably Belfast or Dublin and get wrecked for the weekend.


In Cryo Sleep
bob is pissed off. So as a response bob is going to get pissed.

I have holiday now not really when I want it at a not ideal time of year for me (fucking hate heat).

So if I can afford to do so I'm going to get a plane to probably Belfast or Dublin and get wrecked for the weekend.

cant you just swap back with the other woman who was originally on the stratlan week?


Junior Administrator
ok so I now have time off for either date, and will need to decide what, actually, I want to do.

although iLite is not "officially" cancelled yet, it's pretty much 95% certain that it will be, as far as I can tell.

I will be keeping an eye on things and seeing what happens, but should it not happen I would most certainly be up for getting together and doing something that weekend.


Junior Administrator
I'm asking on the slan forums - I suggest you do the same.

If someone is able to offer me a lift then i will likely go... if not then that same weekend it's the Goodwood Festival of Speed, which I live 5 minutes away from, so i'll just spend a couple of days there instead :)


Junior Administrator
I'm defo not going as will most likely be spending the time moving house or hopefully learning to love my new place and chilling out.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

s/deleted/replaced with this post/


Nope. It was actually deleted. That was an entirely new post... :rolleyes:


And this is now horribly, horribly off-topic, and I'ma STFU, now... :cool:
