Everyone looking to raid should probably get recount. Lets you see how you fair up againt other raiders and has in depth analysis of everyones DPS.
If you find you arent doing as well as an equivalent raider, e.g. people of the same class and similar gear check out recount and see what the differences are. It's this self motivation to improve and find out how to do so that seperates the good raiders from those happy to be carried along.
Also covers, Healing meters, damage taken and interrupts. So everyones a winner, apart from the guy who's job it is to scrutinise and observe everyones performance
If you find you arent doing as well as an equivalent raider, e.g. people of the same class and similar gear check out recount and see what the differences are. It's this self motivation to improve and find out how to do so that seperates the good raiders from those happy to be carried along.
Also covers, Healing meters, damage taken and interrupts. So everyones a winner, apart from the guy who's job it is to scrutinise and observe everyones performance