In Cryo Sleep
On the other hand, people have reactions. It's normal for frustration to pop up here and there after the twelfth wipe on a boss that you one-shotted just last week. People say things they don't mean all the time. The average age in this guild is probably substantially higher than the average age throughout the game. If you haven't developed a bit of a thick skin by now, I have news for you, you're not going to lead a happy life. Whatever insult someone just hurled on TeamSpeak or /g, it wasn't bloody personal, so don't take it personally. Weren't you in grade school at some point? Didn't you play some sort of ball-based sport? Didn't your classmates hurl random insults at you when you failed to do whatever it was you were supposed to do? I'm fairly sure you didn't take it personally at the time either, although I'm sure fights broke out here and there.
Sorry Zooggy, but I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I'm 46 years old and still not the oldest member in this guild (Hi Mavren). I Love the fact that even the younger members in this group have a good level of maturity. If I wanted to to get abuse for not knowing the game as well as others I could have joined <Rinsers-R-Us>... average age of 13. Yes... you are right that we all probably encountered some abuse from our peers when we were at school. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who remembers how hurtful it could be. Thankfully, my peers are now no longer cruelty-driven schoolchildren. Unfortunately, there are one or two in the guild who still act that way. I don't care how thick-skinned you are, if someone tells you you're shit, you're going to take it personally. Besides, any first year psychology student will tell you that you'll get a much better response from somebody with encouragement than you will with derision.
The idea of a Raid Academy was an excellent suggestion. I for one, would jump at the chance of running some of the lower level raids just for the experience. I think it would also be a good thing for the people leading the raid, as some feedback as to their tactics/communication skills would be far more beneficial under a more relaxed atmosphere. I really hope that the officers can get their heads together and make this happen.