The Future of our Raiding Part 3.


Nah, i'll work up to that. it's gonna work up in order like so

Carrot on a stick
Riding Crop
Bull Whip
Cat O' 9 tails
Morning Star
Crab flail
HMS Dreadnought


In Cryo Sleep
This could be a more productive thread without the accusations ya know.. Who is lazy and selfish, and come to think of it, how does that even apply to a game?

Anyways sounds like it's very much turning into the type of guild I don't wanna raid in (sorry!). I play for fun, and try my best for the team; which I can manage fine with a gentle nudge if I'm positioned wrong (cos I haven't done a fight before), rather than rather disrespectful sounding "drill sergeant" orders barked at me. If anything that would just wind me up the wrong way, been playing too long to be talked down to.

Who is the new officer out of interest?

Also, the loot thing could be good or bad depending if you are biased towards people because of how you feel towards them personally. I trust you will remain indifferent :p

No one is accusing anyone >specific< of being lazy or selfish. This was more a refferal to some people in this guild who have been. Members who have given very little back to the gulid, rolled and won side grades for gear without even considering that some people they are rolling against were in desperate need of said item, and more importantly, those who have done what has been mentioned above then left the guild once they got what they wanted from us. This applies to incredibly few people, most of which have left the guild.

However that is all in the past, and for terms of our pregression is no longer relevant. This post and most of Sabots, though may sound like alot will change, but fundamentally the guild will be the same.

No one will be kicked from the guild for not meeting expectations nor will the loot system will not change dramatically, no one will be denied or given exception unless the usual special circumstances apply [e.g. cloth hit rating given priority to DPS casters.]

The main things that will change (hopefully) is that people will be pushed to do better, and given assistance in improving their gear and output. If you are a raider in any guild, including ours, there are some expectations, that you will know your class and be willing to better yourself. We also have expectations from players in certain levels of gear. Alot of our members have decent gear, but not the output (damage, healing or tanking where possibly relevant) that we expect to come with it.

The unfortunate fact is that a some of our guild are not meeting their potential and this thread and the others is nothing more than a gentle kick (or whipping in sabot's case) in the right direction. We want to encourge everyone to be as good as possible. By adding a small level of competitiveness between everyone to improve we can achieve this.

Hopefully i have clarified that no one in this guild is being accused of anything, and we are not demanding anything unreasonable, just the effort from everyone raiding to "validate" why they are a raider tanks, so to speak. None of our fundemental rules will change, and we will do our best to achieve our goals without harming the "community" feel of the haven.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well. I have to say, Bone.
I may not always agree with you on some things. But this one I can safely say that I fully agree on.
And starting with places like Naxx again is the best training we can get to get back into the 25-man thing smoothly.
(It will also be a GREAT place for me to test the new rig*giggles*)


As long as there won't be diciplinarey correction like in the story I read the other day... oooh god... the boob torture >__<

But it was a great post Mr Bone :3
A really good one, explains a few things I wanter answer to ^^


New Member
As long as RNG and other random contributers are put into account, I see no problem with dps being pushed, healers being tested, and tanks having anvils dropped on their heads. I only mention RNG simply because I've looked at the numbers every week that 've dps'd. Some times, I'm very happy with my output (Deconstructor and 6.5k dps is no bad thing). Other times, I can't for the life of me figure out what's gone wrong (Last attempt at the flame boss thingy in VoA, my dps was pitiful).

Naxx 25 is actually a great piece of news for me as I still haven't downed Thaddius (I joined the guild as 25-mans were becoming less commonplace and as such, overall output was dwindling). Provided this has the effect we're all after, are we going to plough through OS, Malygos, -then- Ulduar, or skip those two?

One last question: If the recruitment causes us to still be short specific roles, are you aiming on requesting those of us in the guild with experience to take up that position? As in, if we can't get tanks, will you request that those of us with tank specs/gear shift to that as our main spec?

Anyway, I hope this all goes well for us.


In Cryo Sleep
If we're desperately short on tanks, I could try dusting off my tanky gear... Again... However, I think we have plenty of Pally tanks and I would be more valuable as a healer. :)


Well-Known Member
If we're desperately short on tanks, I could try dusting off my tanky gear... Again... However, I think we have plenty of Pally tanks and I would be more valuable as a healer. :)

That and it'd be detrimental for us to swap a healer out right now. Tanks IS the main concern, but healers are as well.



Thought I would add something.. more of an apology actually.

As some may know or not know as may be the case.. I have just started my degree (freshers week or two has just finished..) and have been unavailable to raid.. hopefully shall be able to start again in a couple of weeks if not quicker!

If this causes problems though with numbers.. especially with the plan with going towards starting 25man raids again. I sincerely apologise.



In Cryo Sleep

Thought I would add something.. more of an apology actually.

As some may know or not know as may be the case.. I have just started my degree (freshers week or two has just finished..) and have been unavailable to raid.. hopefully shall be able to start again in a couple of weeks if not quicker!

If this causes problems though with numbers.. especially with the plan with going towards starting 25man raids again. I sincerely apologise.


Mate you have no need to apologise for RL stuff. I myself have just started my 3rd year, and as it progresses i will have to devote less and less time to WoW, potentially even take a break.

As much of a loss this potentially can be to the guild dont feel guilty about it. As always our guilds main policy is RL first, ultimately wow is still a game and should be priorotised as such.


New Member
I asked about the requesting as I have no real issue with making Jenny a full-time tank, or even Mariellé (Lonny's dps is consistent enough that I think it'd be detrimental for her to stop being dps). Same too with Kathnar/Mariellé as a healer (Kath being my elemental/resto shammie). Obviously my main is still Lonny, but perhaps we need a list of alts in a priority order so that we have a better understanding of what each person can bring to the raids?

For example, have a thread where we post our characters (and possibly proffs) in descending order, staring with the 'main' and moving down to maybe RP characters/abandoned alts.
This way, if someone needs to bring a character of lower priority (like Woogle bringing his tank over his mage, me bringing Deyy instead of Lonny, etc) the next wee, if we go, our main is a priority and another could bring a second priority character? Maybe that's too much over thinking on my part, but I at least think there's room for some balancing if we incorperate such a system.


I see where your going with the priority system and it's not a bad idea as i personally have a healer a tank and a dps all fairly well geared. However idelaly what i would like is for people to have only 1 Main, rather than 2 or 3 which is what this suggestion would cause i fear. The only problem with this though is we dont have enough active healer and Tank mains at the moment :P.

As for making a list of Characters i think i'll get on that later tonight, if not just for my own benfit for recruiting xD.


New Member
I was thinking more that those below the first name be considered alts/community (which is usually thier rank in the guild anyway), rather than mains, and as such only brought along if needed, rather than a case of "Oh, I fancy bringing a different class this week".


Well blah blah blah... we all know or should know that mr the bone has ALWAYS had the best interests of the guild and all that is raiding at heart....
So on that note im really looking forward to the 25 mans starting again and throw my glove in as main spec healer again however i will not be able to make all nights as my family is top on my list of prioritys....

I think it will be a rocky start until everyone gets behind the idea and the moaning stops.. as im sure it will .. maybe if no-one objects i could be given the ip address of any trouble starters and i can go round and persuade them to get with the program (nicely of course) :)


In Cryo Sleep
*yawns and sips tea* Not sleeping sucks. Anyway, read the post and wanted to wish ya'll luck with the progressionageyness and getting back in gear for 25's, I know you'll kick seven shades of ass.
I hope folks take this in the sincere and not consdescending light it's intended when I say if ever you want to talk through tactics for any encounters, I'm always happy to try and help clarify stuff (hardmodes especially), I've been doing every fight in the content as tank>melee>healer and occasionally ranged dps so I've got a pretty good grasp on things at this stage. Anyway, just wanted to say I'm always happy to help as best I can.

Good luck :3


In Cryo Sleep
So a little update for those of you not in the know. Our 25 man raiding officially started last Friday with the help of several friends of the guild. I would like to take this opportunity to mention and of course thank Vaali, Nerissa and Daymar for their help, especially good ol' Vaali who's always been there for the guild. There may have been a couple of others as well, cant remember but if I forgot you thanks and sorry. :)

Last Friday we officially steamrolled Naxx 25. This means a couple of things; 1) We can still do 25 mans as a guild with our setup.
2) We can do them better than we can do 10 mans.
3) We are awesome.
4) We totally outgear even naxx 25, though that was obvious anyway.
5) I am awesome. : )
6) The future of raiding looks bright.

So, with that success under our belt the raid last night was being formed by rhya and it sounded like only one ten man was going so I hijacked it and long story short we got a 25 man Ulduar. This run was successful as well for a first time. We got FL, RS, XT-002 and Kologarn down but couldn't get Ignis down. This raid as well was good for a couple of things. I got to see most of our new recruits in action. Namely, Sabbath, Garth, Astroid, Artein, Elunna and Quarg and all of them stepped up to the plate and did really well. Apart form anything else the raid wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for them so YAY, recruitment.

With this in mind Friday's raid will aim to be Ulduar 25 with the aim of getting onto the keeps are hopefully doing at least one of them, it's gonna be bitchin.

Thanks to everyone who's helped make this.

-- La Bone.

P.S. Razaak got one of the fragments for some mace? So he's to get them all assuming he is there.

P.P.S. The Game.


In Cryo Sleep
Both 25s were awesome. It's been quite a while since we last did some, and it immediately brought back the nice (and somewhat chaotic somethimes) atmosphere I remember from the BC days. It took some getting used to having 15 more people around to look after and not run into with bad stuff after so long of doing 10-mans, but I'm positive I and others with the same problemwill manage.
Ulduar went better than I expected, and with a handful of additional people, consistently having several 25-man raiding evenings looks to be quite feasible.

The one thing I was sad about last night was not getting to be the person who will get Val'Anyr. :( Damn you RNG! ;)