This could be a more productive thread without the accusations ya know.. Who is lazy and selfish, and come to think of it, how does that even apply to a game?
Anyways sounds like it's very much turning into the type of guild I don't wanna raid in (sorry!). I play for fun, and try my best for the team; which I can manage fine with a gentle nudge if I'm positioned wrong (cos I haven't done a fight before), rather than rather disrespectful sounding "drill sergeant" orders barked at me. If anything that would just wind me up the wrong way, been playing too long to be talked down to.
Who is the new officer out of interest?
Also, the loot thing could be good or bad depending if you are biased towards people because of how you feel towards them personally. I trust you will remain indifferent
No one is accusing anyone >specific< of being lazy or selfish. This was more a refferal to some people in this guild who have been. Members who have given very little back to the gulid, rolled and won side grades for gear without even considering that some people they are rolling against were in desperate need of said item, and more importantly, those who have done what has been mentioned above then left the guild once they got what they wanted from us. This applies to incredibly few people, most of which have left the guild.
However that is all in the past, and for terms of our pregression is no longer relevant. This post and most of Sabots, though may sound like alot will change, but fundamentally the guild will be the same.
No one will be kicked from the guild for not meeting expectations nor will the loot system will not change dramatically, no one will be denied or given exception unless the usual special circumstances apply [e.g. cloth hit rating given priority to DPS casters.]
The main things that will change (hopefully) is that people will be pushed to do better, and given assistance in improving their gear and output. If you are a raider in any guild, including ours, there are some expectations, that you will know your class and be willing to better yourself. We also have expectations from players in certain levels of gear. Alot of our members have decent gear, but not the output (damage, healing or tanking where possibly relevant) that we expect to come with it.
The unfortunate fact is that a some of our guild are not meeting their potential and this thread and the others is nothing more than a gentle kick (or whipping in sabot's case) in the right direction. We want to encourge everyone to be as good as possible. By adding a small level of competitiveness between everyone to improve we can achieve this.
Hopefully i have clarified that no one in this guild is being accused of anything, and we are not demanding anything unreasonable, just the effort from everyone raiding to "validate" why they are a raider tanks, so to speak. None of our fundemental rules will change, and we will do our best to achieve our goals without harming the "community" feel of the haven.