The Random Link Thread


New Member
This girl sure loves cats!

Attention seeker is seeking attention.

I saw this a few days ago and checked out her you tube channel. Besides this one she had two other videos, one of her pretending to be conjoined twins and another (now gone) of her pretending to be disabled (with distorted picture to make her worse) and using a Stephen Hawking-like soundbox to "sing" a song. Spectacularly not funny.
I think she's been trying to get her 15 minutes with some weird stuff that goes viral. Seems like she succeeded with "crazy cat lady" and one of the most annoying voices ever encountered.


Active Member
Saw the mirrored thumbnail, didn't deem it worthy of my time. The rest I luckily didn't even notice.

For better or worse she probably hit the jackpot with the cat video, presumably because it's not offensive (unlike the others) and because there is a damn lot of cat lovers out there (me included). I, for one, kinda believed her, although it WAS a bit over the top on one or two (or the entire movie) occassions.