The threat to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)


New Member
So, on the back of conversations in the random link thread, I thought I'd drag the SOPA topic out of there.

While SOPA & PIPA are pretty much done for (in their present incarnations) in the United States, there are still plenty of other governments considering (or actually implementing) similar laws.
I've provided some starting places for you to get some info on these issues and am presuming that you, dear reader, are smart enough to go searching for more information yourself.

ACTA : Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement [More...] & [More on UK signing up]- covering European Union, the United States, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia as well as a few other countries

Bill C-11 : Canada [More...]

SI : Ireland [More...]

Snide (already passed): Spain [More...]

All these proposed (and actual) laws have very broad definitions that can easily be misused and abused by those with power (i.e. money!).
While I fully understand and appreciate a corporations desire to protect itself from loss of earnings due to theft (which includes downloading etc), this kind of draconian, heavy-handed and loosely-written legislation is not the way to combat it.
These are predominantly driven by the entertainment industry big players (movies, music, games) who are most affected by pirated and downloaded content and are the same ones who predicted doom and gloom when the tape cassette and video recorder were both launched. I, for one, did not see them diminish significantly in size or influence as a result of either of these technologies.

This is just the tip of the iceberg - there's plenty more out there including the fact that Google already allow companies like Universal Music Group to remove ANY videos from YouTube that it wants to - whether it own any copyright or not [More...]


Active Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

Thank you, how come you're so knowledgeable and articulate on this?


Active Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

I always find it so hard to to tell which sites are credible.


New Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

Credibility wise... it's generally the overall "tone" of the site. Plus I often go through several sites looking for the same story to see how it's being presented and try to determine what the actual "facts" are rather than some political spin that's been manufactured.
Once you have a base of credible sites and commenters that you feel you can trust, you can follow their suggested links and expand out from there.

Most of the above was sourced by a couple of simple Google searches then finding the results that explained the issues in a sensible manner. Seeing what else they had to say (or knowing the site already) helps you determine if they are worthy or not.

Experience and a solid grounding in cynicism helps a lot ;)


Active Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

That'll almost certainly be the forum software messing up again. :p

Yeah, I've been following the thread about this topic on SA and they seem to be drumming up a lot of activity against SOPA/PIPA, they've started talking about ACTA too, I'm thinking that we'll end up defeating the first two, but ACTA has been quite insidious, though I believe there have been protests starting up against it in some places!


New Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

I plan to live in the woods alone soon so this won't effect me.


Active Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

I was quoting myself, and asking xylak if he had a real life career related to this.

No doubt eventually WWW 2 will start hopefully on the moon without country boundaries.


New Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

I was quoting myself, and asking xylak if he had a real life career related to this.

No doubt eventually WWW 2 will start hopefully on the moon without country boundaries.

No, Killer, no career apart from I run our company web sites. I also use the web a lot. I love that there is every facet of humanity out there and it can all interact.

And no, despite Gingrich trying to channel JFK and claim he's going to build a moon base, it's not going to happen. It'll be the Russians or Chinese - the U.S. will only join in if it looks like either of these countries are developing credible moon missions. America is declining, scientifically, while Europe, Japan & China are growing:

...though I believe there have been protests starting up against it in some places!
There have been ACTA protests in Poland and France, with members of the Polish opposition party wearing Vendetta masks in protest.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

Judging by the recent funding cuts for science in the UK and Europe, I'd predict a gradual decline in European 'science' over the next few years. Suspect much of the growth will come from China and India, with a shift towards funding by philanthropic organisations (such as the Gates foundation, similar to the way Marie Curie funding works now) over the next 100 years or so.

NERC (National Environment Research Council) now no longer funds ANY masters level research - It used to fund around 2000 students a year. I imagine that social sciences and other natural sciences are being hit equally hard. I've seen a rather shocking lack of cutting edge research in the conferences I've been to recently. Being on the cutting edge naturally means that you see very little of the big picture when it comes to research being done, but I would suspect that this applies rather widely.

Equally, the medical sciences are struggling to deliver credible breakthroughs at a consistent rate, despite having vast sums of money thrown at them, in a sort of incremental increase in difficulty and cost versus reward.


Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)



Well-Known Member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

Pirate Bay ruled illegal in UK.
ISPs will be forced to block traffic to/from Pirate Bay.
This is the future of censorship. :(

Beginning of the End Times. Some of the people commenting on that article seem to have missed the point - it's not that it's impossible to access the site now, as you can still find workarounds - it's more that it's now illegal to access the site altogether. China here we come :(


Staff member
Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)

uh... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the pirate bay was seized a couple years ago? I'd consider it to be more or less a honeypot at this point...