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Re: The thread to web neutrality (SOPA/PIPA/ACTA/et al)
©opyright math [TM] or... why the numbers don't add up
©opyright math [TM] or... why the numbers don't add up
Pirate Bay ruled illegal in UK.
ISPs will be forced to block traffic to/from Pirate Bay.
This is the future of censorship.
"Its operators line their pockets by commercially exploiting music and other creative works without paying a penny to the people who created them. "
(Fixed since bbc can't be arsed to edit stuff properly)
I don't use the pirate bay or indeed any torrenting sites, so I wouldn't know, but how do these people commercially exploit music when the reason people go to their site is because it's available for free there?
They (Content police) wouldn't have these problems if they'd cracked down on this when the net was small, un-organised, and not mainstream 10+years ago.
Im glad they had no foresight.
I thought this is like the 5th time or so theyve tried with ACTA, and there was the SOPA, PIPA and all that crap. In the end, the government are going to want to spy on everything you do, so its time we moved across to using all secure connections for everything.
Haven: Can haz https://games.thehavennet.org.uk/?