The Werewolf Game II: The Innocents Strike Back


Junior Administrator
Could you not have a real person for the first death ?

have an imaginairy character that gets wolf-raped on the first night ? that way everyone gets to play for at least a day and dosn't end up dead like midge :P

hhhheeeeeeeyyyyyyyy nice idea :D


In Cryo Sleep
i dont think tets would be up for the job anyway taffy ;) his guesses suck alot, we can however use him as a shield against the werewolfs if it comes down to it xD


Yes another one should be fun didnt play in the last one. Anyways no wolf's gona get me i have a Minigun loaded with 1000000 silver bullets and a massive Silver rocket fireing rocket launcher.......i wish :D lol.


In Cryo Sleep
i dont think tets would be up for the job anyway taffy ;) his guesses suck alot

I wasn't guessing based on who I thought was the werewolf, my first couple (Seph and Nanor) didnt have any logical thought put into them at all. I had to accuse random people initially to gauge their responses. Later on I chose Behind You out of three possibles after I narrowed it down a bit, it didn't help that the wolf wasn't actually in the game at all.


In Cryo Sleep
heh yes but if he was i'd be pia woulda found out through that link xD
so does that mean my reaction didnt help? the whole angry mobbing thing and attacking of the house? :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As promised, here's the rules for this version of TWG...

Starting Out...

The game is set in Havenburg, a provincial town, population of a couple of hundred people. The player characters (PCs, you guys!) are the "important" people in this town; not necessarily those in power but those who have the prime influence over Havenburg's destiny.

Prior to play, the first night will occur. During the first night, a death will occur but that death will be a non-player character (NPC).

Play will start on the first day (on Wed 25th April, around 11:00 BST).

Votes and Vetos

There's not much information available on the first day and, after all, the first death was just some NPC... so, for the first day only, PCs may choose to cast a "no lynch" vote. If the "no lynch" votes win then there will be no lynching on the first day.

Every day, everyone (alive) must vote one way or another: no abstentions.

Once per PC throughout the entire game, a player may cast a "veto". Each veto cast nullifies a vote for lynching that PC that day. If only one PC was in the running and they receive zero (or less) votes then no one is lynched that evening.

Otherwise, the PC who has the highest number of votes is lynched.

When PCs are killed, their nature will not be revealed. A Wolf lynched could just as easily be an Innocent and vice versa. Fortunately, some among the Innocents can divine the truth of the matter...

After the first day, votes must all be for a PC or a veto. If a PC fails to vote for two consecutive days then they are dead and their spirit is destroyed (so they also cannot be played as a Ghost... see below).

Winning & Losing

If, at the end of a day, all the Wolves are dead (excluding the Kinfolk), the Innocents win.

If, at the end of the night, the Wolves equal or outnumber the remaining Innocents (excluding the Kinfolk), the Wolves win.


Each role states its affiliation after it in parenthesis, either "Wolf", "Innocent" or "Varies".

Overt Roles

Overt roles are revealed at the beginning of the game. Being known has its advantages and disadvantages...

The Mayor (Varies)

Each day the Mayor has two votes. Both votes must be cast in the same way, at the same PC. The Mayor still only has one veto, however.

If the Mayor is an Innocent, this is his only role. However, if the Mayor is a Wolf or Kinfolk then this role is in addition to his clandestine role.

The Night Watch Captain (Innocent)

Each night, the Night Watch Captain can choose to do one of the following:

  1. Barricade himself in the watch barracks.
    • If the wolves attack him in this state then he will survive the night but the watch barracks is laid to waste and he cannot do this again.
  2. Nominate a PC to protect that night.
    • If the wolves attack the nominated PC, that PC survives as does the Night Watch Captain.
    • However, if the wolves attack the Night Watch Captain directly while he's protecting someone else, then the Night Watch Captain is killed. The Night Watch Captain's protectee survives, however (at least that night).

If the Night Watch Captain survives, in either case, he will know the number of remaining Wolves but not their identities.

The Ghosts (Varies)

It is said that violent deaths and unfinished business bind a man's spirit to the mortal world. The spirits of those lynched by the townspeople or torn apart by the wolves remain in Havenburg for two more days to continue their crusade for good or evil. However, the town's charter is quite clear that only mortal men may vote, so Ghosts have no final say in who is lynched that day. Once dead, the PC loses all their other powers, if ever they had any.

In other words, once dead, a player can still contribute to the discussion during the day as an apparition of themselves. However, they cannot vote or veto or use any other powers. Death at the hands of the Wolves is traumatic and, as such, a Ghost does not know how many Wolves attacked them.

After their two days of haunting has passed, the Ghost fades away and may no longer contribute to the discussions.

Ghosts who abuse their ability to continue to contribute may find themselves sucked into oblivion...

Covert Roles

Covert roles are assigned at the beginning of the game but secretly so that only the player who receives the role knows who they are.

The Wolves (Wolf)

By day, a Wolf appears to be a normal townsperson. Each night, each Wolf votes for who the pack should try to kill. The PC with the most votes will be attacked... and probably killed without intervention. There are three Wolves in the pack. The pack is ranked Alpha, Beta and Omega from highest to lowest. The ranking has the following effects:

  1. A lower ranked wolf cannot vote to lynch a higher ranked wolf.
  2. In the event of a tie on who the pack should attack, the highest (remaining) ranked wolf chooses the result of the tie.

Wolves know each other but do not know who the Kinfolk is.

The Wolves attack as a pack. As such, if the person they attack survives then their remaining number is known.

The Seer (Innocent)

Each night the Seer may choose a (living) PC and then scry them in order to ascertain their nature: Innocent or Wolf. If the Seer survives 'til morning, he will know the nature of his target.

The Kinfolk (Wolf)

Neither Wolf nor Innocent know but your great grandfather was a Wolf and you have inherited the blood... but not enough to change. Still, you feel a deep, abiding attachment to the plight of the Wolves. If the Wolves win, so do you. If the Innocents win, you lose (though you may survive regardless). You do not count towards the number of Wolves remaining, however -- they must overpower the village themselves.

To the Seer, you appear Innocent as you do not change. However, death strips us of all masks, so to the Occultist you appear as Kinfolk.

The Occultist (Innocent)

Each night, you may perform an ancient ritual, scribed in one of your secret books, to ascertain the true nature of one of the remaining Ghosts: Wolf, Kinfolk or Innocent. [strike]Unfortunately, the Ghost you choose will then know your true nature too...[/strike] The Ghost will know that they have been interrogated but not who did the interrogation.

Ghosts that have faded away, or been cast into oblivion, are beyond your reach.

Secret Roles

Secret roles are not declared to anyone at the beginning of the game. They may become apparent through the course of the game.

The Blessed One (Innocent)

You do not know it but you are divinely protected from the attacks of evil creatures. If the Wolves successfully attack you overnight they find their claws and teeth entirely ineffective, as if you were made of metal or as insubstantial as air; they cannot kill you, no matter what they try, such is the divine protection that envelopes you. Unfortunately, your fellow Innocents are not affected by this aura of protection and can lynch you just as anyone else.

Unfortunately, the Blessed One is so terrified when they're attacked that they have no recollection of how many Wolves attacked them. However, if the Wolves should (madly, as they know who he is) attack the Blessed One again then the second and subsequent attacks will reveal the pack's numbers to the Blessed One.

Communicating Secretly With Me

Rather than using PMs to communicate with me for overnight actions, please can everyone use one of the following methods of contacting me:

  • Email to roninstormnospam [@] ronin [.] org [.] uk (remove the bit in red for the real address)
  • MSN (in my profile)
  • Xfire (in my profile)

Don't use the email via the board feature as that's really obvious in Who's Online.

Role Assignment

I'll be assigning roles randomly, courtesy of a neat spreadsheet I dug out. There aren't any undeclared roles -- if there were the game could become too random as you'd have no framework for assessing what's true and what's lies; the roles above are all that exist and all will be assigned.

Final Thoughts...

Some of this is a little experimental and we'll need to see how it plays. In particular, the overt roles are both obvious targets and obvious "trust" points. I've done what I can to provide a little balance in advance and I'm not completely flying blind here... a bunch of this is drawn from some excellent documentation on Werewolf games around the web.

Always happy for comments but unless there's something grievous I'll probably let this fly as is.

[edit]Change to the Occultist. Explained in a reply to Wraith.[/edit]


Active Member
Sounds excellent, but I have a few questions.

1) If the Seer scry's the Occultist, does he get told that they are the Occultist, or is it the same as with the Kinsfolk where he just gets a wolf / innocent "vision"?

2) Does the secret role of the Blessed One ever get explicitly revealed to anyone? (i.e. the Seer or Occultist in their visions, the Wolves when they attack or the Blessed One himself when attacked) I realise that someone survivng an attack implies it heavily, but it could be a smokescreen. (i.e. a Kinsfolk may not want to disclose the number of Wolves remaining if he survives an attack as he wants the Wolves to win)

3) Do you have any idea of the ratio of Kinsfolk to Innocents? I would suggest it be fairly low so as to give the Innocents a fair time of it. The wolves have the advantage of knowing who they are, and the only comparable advantage I can see for the Innocents is weight of numbers. Taking too many Innocents out of the equation to become Kinsfolk could skew things far too much in the wolves favour.

4) I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of the Occultist. It sounds like a nice addition to the game, but as the dead ones can no longer affect the voting outcome it doesn't seem to be hugely useful. Sure, he may find out that a lynch victim was a Wolf, but as the Wolf stays around as a Ghost for two days and finds out who the Occultist is, that Wolf can communicate it to the remaining Wolves and the Occultist is as good as dead. It gives the Wolves a free indication of one player who is a guaranteed innocent (as opposed to a possible Kinsman) and therefore a good target for them to kill.

It's the same reason Pia did not announce himself overtly as the Seer in the last game - it makes him too obvious as a target. The difference is that this time, the Occultist gets no choice in being revealed unless he doesn't use the power, which defeats the object in the first place. The Night Watch Captain is also an obvious target but as you said he is also a trust figure and can protect himself so is not so much at risk. I would suggest that the Occultist gets a small (10 - 20%) chance of surviving an attack after discovering a dead Wolf, otherwise it just seems like a high risk, low return role.

5) You have said what happens when the Wolves attack vote is tied but not when the lynch vote is tied. Is it a random choice by the GM or do you have some other system in mind? I would suggest possibly that the Mayors second vote be discounted if he's still alive, or random choice if he's not. I would say get the Ghosts involved in the event of a hung ;) lynch vote, but as there will always be an even number (1 killed by wolves and 1 lynched - or 2 and 2), it probably wouldn't help. It would also mean the Ghosts would be required to attend at that point.

6) I assume peoples votes will be publicly announced in the thread like last time. Can you confirm that Ronin?

Sorry for the mass of questions (and the dreadful pun :eek: ). Like I said earlier, it's sounds like it's going to be excellent fun.


In Cryo Sleep
*marches around shouting* the ghosts idea was mine! MINE I SAY! but i like it :D lol Ronin's version > Elds version (no offence eld)
(also fears the complication may be his undoing)

Ronin Storm

Staff member

A further practicality/authenticity thing:

Please could everyone who is playing send me a PM over the next couple of days to either confirm that you'll be using the email address that you registered at THN Games with for contacting me or to tell me another email address you'll be using instead.

I'm perfectly comfortable with using a different contact email address but, as Big D has very smartly pointed out, by taking contact methods off the board we also lose the clear connection between players and their accounts.



Good ideas there Ronin! Looks awesome compared to TWG I! :D

Quick question to tag onto Wraith's: The wolves don't know who the Kinsfolk is, but do the Kinsfolk know who the wolves are? If so, could they not just announce themselves to the wolves? And even if they did it within the thread, they villagers would have to lynch them to kill them, which would take away a chance to get a wolf (as Kinsfolk do not count towards the number of wolves remaining). Hence, isn't it a bit of a pointless role?

If the player keeps it secret, finds who the wolves are, and then works covertly against the villagers to sway the votes, then it could help the wolves, yeah, but I'm just wondering if it's a big enough role in itself?

Still, like the look of this :D You've obviously put a lot of thought into it!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Great questions. Clarifications below:

1) If the Seer scry's the Occultist, does he get told that they are the Occultist, or is it the same as with the Kinsfolk where he just gets a wolf / innocent "vision"?

The Seer only detects "Innocent" and "Wolf". This applies no matter which PC they scry. The Occultist shows Innocent. The Kinfolk shows Innocent too.

2) Does the secret role of the Blessed One ever get explicitly revealed to anyone?

The role of the Blessed One will be revealed to the Blessed One and the Wolves if the Wolves attack the Blessed One but only in the event that the Wolves' attack would otherwise have been successful.

If the Night Watch Captain is protecting the Blessed One on the night the Wolves attack the Blessed One, the Blessed One's role is not revealed because the Night Watch Captain intervenes first.

Aside from that, the Blessed One appears as Innocent to both the Seer and the Occultist.

So, generally, there is no way to verify claims of being the Blessed One. By day, to the townspeople, he's just another guy...

3) Do you have any idea of the ratio of Kinsfolk to Innocents?

There is only one Kinfolk, one Seer, one Occultist, one Blessed One, one Night Watch Captain and three Wolves. The rest are Innocents.

There is one Mayor, who might be an Innocent, Kinfolk or Wolf. The Mayor is not the Seer, Occultist, Night Watch Captain or Blessed One. Basically, the Mayor "power" doesn't feel appropriate to stack with any other power.

4) I'm not entirely sure of the purpose of the Occultist. [...snip...] Sure, he may find out that a lynch victim was a Wolf, but as the Wolf stays around as a Ghost for two days and finds out who the Occultist is, that Wolf can communicate it to the remaining Wolves and the Occultist is as good as dead.

Let me answer that in two parts:

The purpose of the Occultist is to verify the nature of those who have been slain, either by lynching or Wolf attack. Unlike in elD's version, when PCs die their roles are not revealed and so the Occultist takes over that role. He only gets to verify around half the people who die, given that two people die a day so he's not a bulletproof screening method. He is also the only way of discovering the Kinfolk for certain (admittedly posthumously).

To the second, I understand what you are saying. I'm musing on whether to tweak that down to "the Ghost knows that they have been checked but not who the Occultist is". Let me get back to you on that.

5) You have said what happens when the Wolves attack vote is tied but not when the lynch vote is tied. Is it a random choice by the GM or do you have some other system in mind?

At the point a lynch vote is tied, I'll make it a coin toss between them (or equivalent three/four way random choice system). I can imagine the townspeople doing the same.

6) I assume peoples votes will be publicly announced in the thread like last time. Can you confirm that Ronin?

Yes. Wolf attack votes will be in private, via email/MSN/Xfire to me. Townsperson lynching votes will be made publicly, in bold, in the thread, exactly as with elD's version.

I'll summarise the voting situation when I end the day (for my benefit as much as anyone else's).

Any more?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Good ideas there Ronin! Looks awesome compared to TWG I!

Don't you dare do yourself down on TWG 1! I'm using your core as the foundations for mine. :)

Quick question to tag onto Wraith's: The wolves don't know who the Kinsfolk is, but do the Kinsfolk know who the wolves are?

No, the Kinfolk does not know who the Wolves are just as the Wolves do not know who the Kinfolk is. It's a double-blind role, an element of organised chaos in the midst.

If the player keeps it secret, finds who the wolves are, and then works covertly against the villagers to sway the votes, then it could help the wolves, yeah, but I'm just wondering if it's a big enough role in itself?

I think it is a smaller and more complex role. I think of it like being a double-agent. I hope it'll still have enough about it to be interesting to play, though.


Active Member

I thought of that one but assumed the Kinsmen wouldn't know who the Wolves are. Two reasons for this
1) The Wolves are a covert role and so not announced to other players. The only covert roles that are announced to anyone else is that the Wolves know the other Wolves (and that's only because they need to discuss the victims).
2) It would give the Wolves such a massive advantage that there'd be next to no chance of the Innocents winning.

@ Ronin,
PM sent and thanks for the answers. Also, I think elD's meaning was more along the lines of "you've made an already excellent game even better" rather than "my one sucked compared to this". At least I hope so because the first one was excellent.