Right, so Wikipedia can explain the massively fine details of it if you so desire, but I shall go through the basic rules now.
TWG is a forum game. Forum games are played by posting messages within the game thread or by PMing other players of the game. This particular game has both "night" and "day" times (to be decided when everyone has joined up). Players are given a role and are part of 2 groups: the werewolves, or the villagers. Werewolves have to try and kill enough villagers so that they can overpower the town and take control. There are also special rules, depending on the experience of the players, and the number of players. It's very fun, and a great way to bring a community even closer together!
Now for some more detailed rules. As this is the first (to my knowledge) time THN has run TWG, we will use a more basic rule set, listed below.
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TWG is a forum game. Forum games are played by posting messages within the game thread or by PMing other players of the game. This particular game has both "night" and "day" times (to be decided when everyone has joined up). Players are given a role and are part of 2 groups: the werewolves, or the villagers. Werewolves have to try and kill enough villagers so that they can overpower the town and take control. There are also special rules, depending on the experience of the players, and the number of players. It's very fun, and a great way to bring a community even closer together!
Now for some more detailed rules. As this is the first (to my knowledge) time THN has run TWG, we will use a more basic rule set, listed below.
- The game has 2 times, day and night.
- Players are split into two groups:
- Villagers - This group of innocents have found that their town has recently been cursed with a werewolf presence. During the days, they band in the town square, throwing accusations and suspicions around at who they think the werewolves are. At the end of everyday, the town's folk vote on a member to be lynched. This person is then killed, and can no longer play. At night, the villagers can but sleep, and hope the werewolves don't try to eat them!
- Werewolves - This group of players appear as normal villagers during the day, casting accusations on others to try and avoid being found out. But at night, they transform to the awful beasts they truly are, and can choose one person to prey upon. And eat. Nice!
- The villagers do have one special person to help them find the killer though! One person within the village has been blessed with the gift of being a Seer. Each night, instead of sleeping, they can call to the gods to find out the nature of one villager of their choosing. But they can be eaten by the wolves as well, so must watch out for their own life!
- Before the game begins, each person wanting to play posts up in this thread saying they want to join. You have (approximately) 24 hours from when I post this thread to join.
- When everyone has joined/I say so, I will randomly assign roles to each player. There will be 1 Seer and number wolves. Everyone else will be a villager. If there is less then 8 players, there will be 1 wolf. 8-12 players, there will be 2 wolves. More than 12 players, 3 wolves. If there are more than 12 players, there may also be a Guardian Angel. We shall see.
- Everyone will know how many wolves there are at the beginning of the game. Wolves will know who the other wolves are.
- The game will start at the beginning of the first night.
- During the night, each wolf will PM me who they wish to feast upon. In the event of a tie between a number of players, one of the players will be randomly chosen.
- During the night, the Seer can PM me the name of one person whom they will to ask the gods about. If the Seer is alive the next morning, they will be told.
- If we are playing with the Guardian Angel, a person blessed by the luck of the gods, that player can protect one person (except themselves) each night. They can protect wolves or villagers, and will not be told the person's nature.
- If the wolves attack the Guardian Angel, that person has a 1 in 10 chance of protecting themselves. They will not, however, be able to make out who attacked them.
- At dawn, the a villager will find the unlucky victim of the night before, and will inform the rest of the town, who will come flooding to see. Usually, this person is alive, and can post once as a dying breath. They can say whatever they like, as long as it is only 1 line, and no more then 50 words (that's being generous)!
- Villagers have all day to talk about who they believe are the werewolves, and to submit votes to myself via PM.
- When day ends, I will post who has been lynched, and remind the wolves and Seer to PM me (if they are alive). If all wolves are dead, the village will be informed. And win!
- And so each cycle of the game repeats.
- If you wish to change your vote during the day, or if a wolf/Seer wishes to change their vote at night, I will only consider the newest PM I receive. But please don't spam me
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