The Werewolf Game (TWG)


Active Member
thatbloke, you only confused people because you carried on playing despite being first hung and then shot in the head. Now, I'm not saying that was slightly unfair on the players but ....... actually, yes I am saying that :D

I know it was a compromise due to the situation and everything, but I'm just saying don't be too proud of confusing people until you prove you can do it again in the next game. ;)


Junior Administrator
Yes it does take longer, but also under the rules the werewolves can choose to kill the narrator on the first night in order to give all players a chance... of course this doesn't quite work with el D's godly visions... werewolves killed God?


Junior Administrator
I wouldn't have been lynched on the first night had Piacular not seen me sending PMs that I don't normally send late in the evening :(


In Cryo Sleep
Don't think of it like that.

I was going to try to get you lynched on the first night, with or without Pia's help.