On the subject of Server Hosting, we're now at the turning point where we need to make a decision. Ultimately, the driving factor behind this decision is to get the most power and reliability for the least money with one main constraint: the THN Admins, most notably Haven, must not be left out of pocket by the solution. So, this is going to come down to monies.
Here's the situation:
We've been
collating options for Promethius' replacement on the wiki.
Our front runners boil down to:
- Partial hardware replacement for Promethius, courtesy of cheap-yet-decent parts from thatbloke
- Build by Haven at/around i43
- £150 for parts from thatbloke, plus ~£40 for new heatsink, plus ~£160 for new hard drives (optional, but recommended), plus travel costs for drop-off and retrieval at data centre
- Total Upfront = £190 minimum, ~£350/400 done properly
- Ongoing Costs = £65.95 per month
- In summary: improves Promethius' capabilities but is basically just tiding us over 'til something gives up completely...
- Move to a virtual server solution (e.g. Hetzner VQ19)
- Migration by Haven at some point in the next couple of months
- Some costs for retrieving Promethius' hardware from the data centre as part of decommissioning
- Total Upfront = £0, though reimbursing collection costs may be needed
- Ongoing Costs = £17.49 per month
- In summary: lower power server will provide basics (TeamSpeak, forum, web sites) but struggle with anything but the most simple game servers, and likely no more than one at once
- Move to a dedicated server solution (e.g. Hetzner EQ8)
- Migration by Haven at some point in the next couple of months
- Some costs for retrieving Promethius' hardware from the data centre as part of decommissioning
- Total Upfront = £130.93, plus any collection costs
- Ongoing Costs = £97.14 per month (£78.21 + £17.93 for 5 additional IPs)
- In summary: over 3x more powerful than Promethius, with possibilities to run virtuals of both Windows and Linux allowing for much greater server range, and tough enough for some years to come
All Euros prices converted to GBP via xe.com today.
At this moment, we have around £200 in the kitty that we can use for Promethius server things.
So, all that said, the best (most powerful) option is C, the dedicated server solution. Problem is that we're short on monthly donations for that. Month on month, our donations bring in:
Mean = £85.63 (£95.00)
Median = £83.75 (£91.25)
First number is over last 4 months, second (in parenthesis) is over last 6 months. I believe the last 4 is a more accurate reflection of THN donations than the last 6 given the steady tendency for them to decline.
We could drop the extra IPs, but then we also need to drop the virtualisation, so no Windows server options.
We could go for the cheaper EQ6 package (£60.64pcm for a total, with IPs, of £78.57pcm) but at cost of half the RAM of the higher cost package; that also decreases our options, though I'll need Haven to really describe what is what for that.
Or we could go right the way down to the virtual server solution and accept that much gaming has really gone P2P anyhow...
Personally, I don't feel that option A is realistic; looking at likely available Admin time over the next 12-24 months with a realistic eye, I don't like the picture of staving off a problem that we could just solve right now by not running our own hardware. It might all work out, but that's not what we should be playing for. Instead, we need to understand that Promethius is old and the hiccups we get from time to time are, in fair part, a product of her age. She will fail, sooner or later, and then we'll have to fix her or accept indefinite downtime.
So, I'm all for putting ourselves onto a proper sized server, just not sure we can pay for it.
Now's the time to have your say on what you'd prefer and what you're prepared to ante up to get us there. To those who already donate: thank you, you're awesome, and we're totally not expecting anything more from you, but we really hope you'll continue to help THN out!
Need to choose what to do with Promethius now (within the next week). Various options, but the best one is too expensive unless more people donate consistently. Middling options may be available. Discuss and ante up, please.