THN quotes

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Well-Known Member
On teamspeak

Midgert: Everyone has those retarded moments.


Gibsonfire: Oh yeah, Euro Force is coming out in 5 days! I'm sooooo downloading that!
Nanor: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Midgert: Why don't you just buy it, cheapo
Gibsonfire: You can only download it, retard
Midgert: Everyone knows I am the most retarded person on THN


Cookalarcha: Oh, shut up midge
Midge: Don't tell me to shut up
Phryxus: What you gonna do, slap me with your e-penis?


That reminds me, on a midgert-abuse theme.


Midgert: ahh I just got abused by an American and this channel is password protected.
Midgert: Why is it password protected, what's the password? and how come Piacular doesn't know it?
Fi$hy: Because it's private, and Pia's an SA
Midgert: Can I be an SA?
Pia: No!
Midgert: Please?
*Fi$hy revokes voice rights*
*Piacular revokes registration*

Fishy: that was a bit harsh
Piac : naaa....


In Cryo Sleep
hmmmm i see a theme developing here seems tyo be about TAKEING THE PISS OUT OF ME GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :mad: I feel that if this is going to happen i might make somthing out of it so every time you have somthing to say about me i charge you in 50 000yen................ and make me a server administrator. [midgert tries to get in Piaculars cupboard of pain door closes on him and gets stuck while pia and Bambi laugh Bambi will not let pia have a cookie so sam pokes him in eye] Another wierd and wonderful day in goat boy land.:D


Junior Administrator
Source: Shoutbox, February 20th '06

[Today 14:24] T-Bone: Yes, but I |_0\/3 2 7a|_k5 l1k3 7415!!!
[Today 14:24] T-Bone: BTW, did you guys know X-Fire has a 1337 setting under language options - try it out
[Today 14:24] DeZmond: Thankfully I have a firefox plugin which will help me decipher that gibberish...
[Today 14:24] pHatBambi: Bah whatever. I do shed loads of stuff and I hardly get any reputation. The masses are fickle don't pander to them.
[Today 14:24] BiG D: Where I'm from, T-Bone, that would get you a ban
[Today 14:25] Nanor: Z0/\/\G 7|-|47 |2 1337!
[Today 14:25] *DeZmond prepares the sword of +15 moderation for use on people who use 1337*
[Today 14:25] Nanor: I'm screwed..
[Today 14:25] T-Bone: Canada? :P
[Today 14:26] BiG D: No, reality
[Today 14:26] Nanor: scr3w3d*
[Today 14:26] T-Bone: But I have 80AC with + 25% against holy dmg and Mod dmg comes under Holy dmg :P
[Today 14:26] T-Bone: Im not a geek, im a level 16 Blackguard
[Today 14:26] miss.bongie.pants: i rly dont know what you are talking about!
[Today 14:27] T-Bone: U'll get the hang of it if you hang around enough :P


Junior Administrator
I should probably have added the word 'threateningly' in there somewhere... :p I am prepared to strike down the heathen 1337-folk with the trusty sword of moderation and grammar!


Staff member
The shoutbox:
[12:22] Gopha:  ooo on msn im having a french convo with this gal from nantes
[12:32] Gopha:  omg it wasnt a gal


Staff member
More shoutbox fun :D
[Today 09:23] miss.bongie.pants: hmmm o well uni is along way away for me! best get on with my work or ill never get there!
[Today 09:30] Twisto: You best get on with your work, OR you'll get your arse kicked at home.


Active Member
From the shoutbox:

[Today 15:42] pHatBambi: Scotland really isn't that far away from the south coast T-Bone. :p
[Today 15:43] T-Bone: Yes but how will you get up her without cookie power? :P
[Today 15:47] pHatBambi: Her? I'm not quite sure where you're going with that statement matey. :)


Well-Known Member
On Teamspeak

Twisto: Right, the baby is asleep
Lynx: What age is he?
Twisto: 4 1/2 months
Lynx: Aww, same age as Midgert
*baby cries on baby monitor*
Lynx: Shut up midge!


In Cryo Sleep


In Cryo Sleep
(+UArch) someone should make an rts with ghey bombs!
(+UArch) i would love to bomb the enemy with those
(+UArch) bullets suck!
(+BiG_D) uarch would bomb his own base
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