Source: IRC - 30 March
[15:33] Pestcontrol: iq is a taboo
[15:33] Pestcontrol: or rather
[15:33] Pestcontrol: social suicide
[15:33] DeZmond: yes, yes it is.
[15:33] BiG_D: My iq is at least 250
[15:33] DeZmond: :O
[15:33] Pestcontrol: narcissism warning
[15:33] DeZmond: BiG D is a super-intelligent monkey descended from the moon!
[15:33] DeZmond: ahem
[15:34] Pestcontrol: he is infinite monkey
[15:34] DeZmond: I mean, er, O RLY?
[15:34] DeZmond: heh lol
[15:34] Pestcontrol: ORLY is one of those things that lower my percieved intelligence of you.
[15:34] DeZmond: "It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times!"
[15:35] elDiablo: Bullets don't hurt Jack Bauer, they just annoy him.
[15:35] DeZmond: perhaps, but if you were able to detect the hint of sarcasm I lightly decorated that particular online 'phrase' with you'd realise it was done in the name of satire. QED
[15:35] Pestcontrol: im angry at my mother though, she dumbed me down, my dad's smarter!
[15:35] Pestcontrol: whats sarcasm?
[15:35] Pestcontrol: can you eat it?