[18:58:40] <Nanor> ooooh
[18:58:43] <Nanor> Thank god
[18:58:55] <Nanor> I thought the THN site had horsepron in it
[18:59:00] <BiG_D> :s
[18:59:03] <thatbloke> WUT
[18:59:05] * thatbird has joined #thehaven
[18:59:05] <Nanor> I meant to paste a link to the forums
[18:59:10] <BiG_D> I thought that forum was hidden...
[18:59:10] <thatbloke> er
[18:59:13] <BiG_D> I mean
[18:59:16] <elDiablo> right
[18:59:17] <thatbloke> Nanor?
[18:59:18] <elDiablo> bbiab
[18:59:22] <BiG_D> Yea, well of course there isn't any :/
[18:59:23] <Nanor> but i forgot I had a horseporn link already copied
[18:59:29] <thatbird> um
[18:59:30] * Pestcontrol sets mode: +v thatbird
[18:59:30] <thatbloke> why are you pasting a link to horsepr0n instead of a link to THN?
[18:59:31] <thatbird> nanor
[18:59:50] <Nanor> i didn't actaully Ctrl + C the THN link
[18:59:54] <thatbird> oh
[18:59:55] <thatbloke> why have you got a copied image of horsepr0n AT ALL
[19:00:03] <Nanor> ..
[19:00:05] <Nanor> shit
[19:00:15] <Nanor> good point
[19:00:18] <thatbird> is there summit u wanna talk about
[19:00:28] <Nanor> no
[19:00:35] <BiG_D> Too bad
[19:00:35] <Nanor> ok
[19:00:36] <BiG_D> Talk
[19:00:38] <Nanor> here's my story
[19:00:50] <Nanor> I was spamming somone on msn with a horseporno link
[19:00:59] <Nanor> and i'm stikcing to it