TWG - Haven Heath

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
It appears I also owe an apology to fair Captain Storm. - Looking back, I hate myself for mistrusting a fellow naval man, but surely you must see how you alligned yourself with the wolf so vigorously?

Will you join myself and Drae, and cleanse this town of traxata's foulness forever more?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
"Aye, it is as ye say. I 'ad already come to the conclusion that it was evens on Traxata being the other demon. Nothin' t'say except strap 'im to the keel an' wait 'til the line stops shakin'."


Junior Administrator
"So, it would appear that you have all made up your minds that I am this wolf creature?! Madness, utter madness." He sighs. "If I was truely the wolf, would I make such a brazen show of it, by after learning of bob's nature, to kill him off?! that would be madness!" He whispers under his breath "or a cunning game."

"You have all followed Panda so far with his comments about Dr. Agon, And then thatbloke. Without a clear message from bob he decided that outing Wol as a wolf was the best choice, and people followed..."
"I admit, my trickery last night seems very out of character, but I felt that light needed to be shed on Panda's trickery."

"Well. As there appears to be no way to change your minds, other than to realise just quite who you're living with now you've all shown your true sides... I hope you can all live with yourselves for executing innocent people! I did not ask for this and apologise for any actions that have wronged any of you still here to think on it..."

Traxata heads back into the forest for apparently the last time. He whispers to the tree's "Goodbye old friends."


Staff member
So hold on a tick here. Our seer has confirmed for us that Panda is in fact human, and yer brilliant plan is to continue accusing him? Does this curse a' yours make you dumb as well?


[desc]The villagers are at least united. They chase off into the woods after Traxata. It is not long before they find him hanging from a tree a little off the main path. From the angel his head is hanging at, it is clear his neck is snapped. In his hand he holds a small note.

"The voices. They told us that we would live forever, that all we had to do was feast on the flesh of innocents in order to take their essence. But they lied. When we feasted, we just hungered for more. And now I see there is only one way to stop this...

Of course the remaining villagers aren't forgiving, and upon releasing his body proceed to cut it up as much as possible. And then burn it on a fire, so large that it lasts through the night, all the while watching to make sure there is no escape. When only ash remains are they happy to leave the forest and return to the village.

The evil has gone.[/desc]

  • Traxata the wolf has been lynched!
  • The humans have won the game! Well, Ronin, Panda, Drae, and D did anyway. The rest of you are dead. God you dead people suck so much...
  • THE END. Feel free to talk as you wish and thanks for playing everyone! Was some good TARGETTED PLAY at the end there!


Junior Administrator
Not only do I not suck, I'm awesome :p.

Trax was a pretty quiet wolf which made it impossible early on to peg him.

I enjoyed the seer role and the meta gaming fun that could be had with it


Well-Known Member
Back from the dead *thriller music playing*

I might think about starting a similar game soon, if anyone is interested


Staff member
I actually had trax pegged after the second day, but no one else believes my hunches :(

Bob was also acting a little off, but that makes a lot more sense to me now :p


In Cryo Sleep
Back from the dead *thriller music playing*

I might think about starting a similar game soon, if anyone is interested

I think someone needs to work out the massive difference in gameplay mechanics that playing on a forum makes compared to the in person version, and adjust numbers accordingly.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Behold! I have shown you the way. While we mourn those we have lost, the evil that beset our village at every turn has been expunged, and this is a day for quiet celebration.

I name Captain Storm, Drae, Large D of the Dale and myself wolfsbane.

Our families are safe.


Active Member
*sniff* I wouldn't have died of silence if the people at the hotel had been kind enough to give us the internet that they said should have been available. T_T

Next time there will be a reckoning!


Junior Administrator
Hehe Xarl :D

elD said why don't I run the next one, which I shall ponder on!

Though, not straight away, give it a few weeks :)