[TWG] Welcome to Havonia. (The game thread)


New Member
Walking up to the gallows, Vel takes a last look around before sadly saying...

"The next few nights...are gonna hurt."


Junior Administrator


With everyone feeling on edge after randomly having their only real hope of finding out for sure what (or who) caused these attacks, the townsfolk of Havonia went to their homes to try and sleep...

Their futile attempt was rudely interupted by some poor souls screams coming from the tavern..

As 'miss' Solemn was staying in the tavern, she was closest to the tavern she rushes upto the room fearing that it was one of her girls (The scream was very very girly) being attacked by a 'customer' but instead saw a pair of shadows leap out of the balcony into the night... she rushes over to the bed to find Mr Panda with shards of a ceramic pot in his chest and an arm ripped clean off. He lays there barely able to breath and pulls miss Solemn close to whisper something into her ear ....


It is now Day! (Sorry for the late posting, being sick, not sleeping much and waiting to see if certain specials send me messages to tell me what they want to do made this delayed)

Panda the human is dead!

Panda may say a last post.

Night will start around 10-11PM.


Junior Administrator
After an unsettling evening, Rod not wanting his accusation to lead to a full on lynching, he is yet again awoken by the knocking at his door. It is the coachman again, and now to the inn? His fears are on high alert.

At the inn, he provides what little council he can to Miss Solemn and her 'girls'.

"Certainly a very nimble creature and evidently nocturnal. I shall have a word with the innkeeper, see if you can sleep somewhere safe. If not the basement of my house has no windows and is bolted shut."

Given his only other traveller has now been killed by the folk, his suspect is Miss Solemn (though not showing this at all). He fears the beast could be going after it's impromptu captors, and Miss Solemn may have not known about the beast at all. At least this way she would be safe.


Well-Known Member
Hmm ... it seems all of our acused people from the first night died ... and noone took a look into our wolf in a sheep's pelt. Yet Ms Solemn being on the spot right away also sounds a bit suspicious.

Yet I still go with Mr. Ghostwolf ... uhhh sheep

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Drae appeared on scene in time to hear the doctor giving his diagnosis of the situation, and offer the new travellers a room.

"I will happily accept Miss Solemn and her... girls... into my establishment. Although not spacious, I can guarantee comfort in the night.."

A smile, before turning to the gathering crowds.

"Mr Ghost... sheep? You say? Any basis for your accusations? Are you aware of something that we are not?"

Drae was wary that Dragon was so quick to accuse..


Well-Known Member
You have to be quick so you are safe before a wolf gets you. Furthermore he seems to be absent so why would you stay absent from a crime scene if not being the evil doer yourself and fear to be detected.


Well-Known Member
*Mr Huung, ever the late waker, once again wanders out of his house and into the village, to be greeted by yet another crowd of people*

You mean to tell me this has happened again? Mr La Flore? Damn! I never got to sell him those silk pyjamas!

*Mr Huung listens as the situation is explained to him*

A light from his corpse you say? You mean to say we've slain the one person who could have prevented all of this?... Ugh. Doc, you have some explaining to do - Mr La Flore was a good man, anyone here could vouch for that. *Mr Huung shakes his head in dismay*

You, Mr Dragon, I accuse you yesterday for being so fast to point fingers, and now today you point the finger at the same man - once again without a hint of proof? I find this most odd, is there some personal issue here which we are not privy to? It seems you have taken such a dire circumstance and turned it to your advantage in ridding yourself of someone you clearly have a personal feud with.
The true villain is said to return to the scene of the crime, and both days you have been amongst the first here. It does not lie so easily with me.

I do however wish to hear from those not present today - has Miss Solemn said anything since witnessing the horrific incidents of last night?


Junior Administrator
"I would check your facts Mr Huung, I believe this is an animal and condoned no further death, this village clearly has a barbaric approach to minor suggestion. Even if it was him, he can help us no further in finding out who brought the animal here.

I shall certainly keep my thoughts to myself in the future if I am to be persecuted for simple deduction, and shall no longer assist. If on the other the hand the village can be trusted in this investigation I shall continue."


New Member
Walks towards the heated crowd.

"I appollogize for my abstance, however Mr Panda has always been one of my favourite customers... and seeing him..."

Pauses for a while finding it difficult to continue...

"Well... like that..."

quietly begin to cry... A moment later Solemn is able to pull herself together..

"I appericiate everyone's very generous offers of shelter and protection from these beasts... everyone's except Dragon. Dargon who has be questioning my innocence in this awful ordeal... If I were this beast you talk of, why woudl i kill my best customer Mr Panda...
Were exactly were you Mr Panada during these terrible attacks?


New Member
Walk back to the comfort of her room but turns just before dispearing into the darkness,

"My girls Trish and Sally well remain at the taven, they will be happy to be there for any of you lovely gentlemen in this time of mourning"


Well-Known Member
It's good to see I'm not getting paranoid here, what with all these unusual happenings. Mr Dragon, I do declare you seem most suspect to me still.


Junior Administrator
OOC post entirely.

I'm going to go with Miss Solemn - not due to wanting to lynch, but purely because Rod is going to stick to his guns and think it was brought in.


Well-Known Member
As I got a strange feeling that Mr. Sheep is going to die tonight in a celestial intervention anyway, I'll change my vote to Miss Solemn, who seems not to remember anything from last night and suspecting Mr. Panda who got mutilated by those beasts.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
"I like how Dragon changes accusations so readily. It's like he doesn't care who dies tonight, so long as it is somebody."

To be fair, it was mostly Dr Drae's fondness of women that made him stick up for her, not any actual care. More, a misguided sense of wanting.


Well-Known Member
If you want to kill me feel the guild of killing an innocent. I'm blind, how should I have killed someone?


Junior Administrator
It is now night.

Due to feeling shite I haven't the ability to concentrate enough to do a proper post, will update that tomorrow, in short I count that 3votes to dragon and 2 to miss solemn.

Mr dragon the human has been lynched.

Due to inactivity Mr Ghostsheep has been struck by lightning .... He was a wolf

Specials please inform me what you want to do by morning post.
Morning will possibly be around 9am.

I'm off to drive the porcelain truck.


Junior Administrator
It is now Day.

Night will be 9PM (might extend it if I'm feeling alright later)

As the sun rises for another day in the increasingly gloomy Havonia. As the remaining townsfolk gather in the town hall to discuss what they're going to do about the incursion of these beasts in the town...

Having now seen the smoldering corpse of Mr Ghost...sheep, they know what they're dealing with.

One of Solemns girls bursts into the town hall sobbing uncontrollably, barely able to get her words out; she eventually manages to say "Miss Solemn, mauled, chest ripped open..."


Miss Solemn the human is dead.

Solemn is allowed a final post.

Last nights post will go up (properly to keep the story flowing a little better) as soon as I've written it.


New Member
Looking down at the mess the candine creature had made of what was once the reason for her current line of business, she mutters..

"Beware Rod... that devious vet..."


Well-Known Member
Dragon... Solemn... Ugh. What has this beast done to us? We kill as many of our fellow men as these creatures do, and now there are but three of us.

Doc, first you decide to swing our only hope of saviour from the gallows, and now everyone you want dead has died...
Alongside poor Mr Dragon you were always first on the scene, and determined to destroy all those who had come to our village. Perhaps you thought those of us who had lived here all our lives would be less suspicious of you? You eliminated who you saw as a threat and now Drae and myself are the only ones left.

I call you out, Doc Rod. Between us, Drae and I shall see you hang for what you have done here, and we can finally be rid of this evil.