The last remaining townsfolk have decided who they're lynching this evening ...
Drae and Mr Huung move towards Dr Rod, they bind up his arms and legs and drag him out side. They start building up a pyre to cleanse their village.... Whilst they are doing this Rod just calmly informs them both that they are wrong, and that he is completely innocent but that to satisfy their needs he's going to accept the fate and not fight it.
Mr Huung, now finished constructing the pyre for which to burn Rod motions for Drae to help lift Rod up onto it...
With a grin on his face, he lights the pyre and just stares grinning as Rod, the only one who could really have done anything to prevent his... victory, becomes engulfed in flames.
Mr Huung turns to Drae, and before Drae's very eyes, starts to become really hairy, rather quickly ... his face distorts elongating, vicious looking teeth grow and huge claws the size of machetes protrude from the ends of his fingers ...
Drae screams one last time, proclaiming "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!"
So, The game is ended.
Rod the human is now dead
Drae the Guardian Angel is now dead.
Mr huung the Wolf is the sole survivor.....
Thanks for playing this fairly short game, as I said, will try and get one going with a few more people next month, or do a joint GMing or something!