Ultimate Game Ever Made

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm surprised that no one's said Max Payne yet. While I can't now go back and play it with the same experience that I had first time, it was, without a doubt, the finest game I've ever played. I even enjoying losing because I could go back and bullet-time the sequence over again. The comicbook story-arc, bullet-time, pistols akimbo... it doesn't get much better than that. :)


Active Member
I loved Max Payne! The storyline was excellent, along with the bullet time! Max Payne 2 was awesome as well. The build up until it's release was good because I had not played a game with ragdoll physics as it was just starting to become a new feature in new games.
If you haven't played Max Payne yet, play it now!


In Cryo Sleep
T-Bone said:
I still play me Mega Drive and Master System as regularly as I play my PS2. Maybe even more.

Lies! Sex, lies and videotape!

I reckon by this comment you NEVER play your PS2 :p

Go Alex Kid in Miracle World!!!


Junior Administrator
I move that we turn this thread into an existential nightmare by renaming it: "The Best Games Never Made". Could be funny. :D

Back on topic, my list of Best Games In The 'Verse Ever:
  • Deus Ex
  • Uplink
  • The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (an Infocom text adventure)
  • 9:05 (another text adventure)
  • Rome: Total War


In Cryo Sleep
T-Bone said:
I play my PS2 as much as the next guy. TBH I play my Mega Drive more than my PS2. :D

Lol, then you don't play it at all! Everyone knows the PS2 is pants and the Xbox will inherit the Earth!!!

However, you have excellent taste in 16-bit consoles. None of this SNES snobbery.

Go Sonic and Go Shining Force 1&2!!!


Piacular said:
Lol, then you don't play it at all! Everyone knows the PS2 is pants and the Xbox will inherit the Earth!!!

Everyone knows Google will buy Micro$oft eventually.


In Cryo Sleep

lets try and categorize it...

adventure -> Medievil series (oh god what about mario 64... or sonic :( i cant decide)

Fps -> i havent found it yet, ut2004 probably came closest

Rpg -> pokemon blue by a trillion miles

shoot-em-up -> future cop LAPD

Beat-em-up -> SSBM (omg i cant wait for the revolution version http://games.thehavennet.org.uk/images/icons/icon10.gif

Racing -> ... Burnout 2 (close to double dash though)

Mech -> Armoured Core 2

Nostalgia -> Rick Dangerous 2 (amiga ^^)

MMORPG -> WoW, and i didnt even play it :P Swg didnt cut the mustard after 2 years of play, i wasted my life :( )

Wierd -> Space station silicon valley (for my 64 -glee-)

Fuzzy Bunny

I just remembered how much fun Goemon's Great Adventure for N64 was. Mischief Makers was an awesome N64 game, too.


In Cryo Sleep
Blammo i played metal gear solid 2 but it was a bit Fuxxored up so i stopped playing and thats the day the music died :(


Pokemon Red/Blue on the GB was a great game

"hides from slappage!"


In Cryo Sleep
he dnt be ashamed, original pokemons are great ,but i didnt understand all the crystal and stuff liek tyhat tho :(


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, original Pokemon was great. Then they had to add too many Pokemon, it just got silly, I only played red and blue. Sad to say I used to know all 150 pokemon. :rolleyes: That was just from playing it


In Cryo Sleep
wasnt mewtwo no.151 ?but yer red,blue and yellow wre kool, silver was ok but i gave up after that lol