Ultimate Game Ever Made



Sorry to interrupt all your Pokemon reminiscences, but in my humble opinion The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time is the most memorable game i've ever played. For its time, the gameplay was outstanding and allowed great scope for adventuring coupled with sometimes head-scratching puzzles and bosses. It was by no means impossible, but completing it and finding the little extras along the way gave me a great sense of achievement, so much so that I was a bit disappointed when I finished the game and watched the ending credits scroll by, because I had nothing left to do in the game!

Only a few other games have provoked a similar feeling, another one of which I can remember was Shenmue and its sequel. The range of activities you took part in and the development of your character over the adventure left me with a similar feeling when I watched the (epic in length) end-game credits. For story though, Fahrenheit is by far the most intriguing game i've had the fortune to play. It's possibly the only game where I felt a connection to the characters I had control of, so much so that I felt a sense of guilt when I got one of them killed accidentally or made the wrong choice.

Just my two cents, although I don't know anyone here who's actually played Fahrenheit! :(


Staff member
Fahrenheit was pretty good, but the ending sucked big time. It was just stupid.


Ye that zelda got me hooked, was a bit disappointed by the windwaker, but the new one is prolly going to be like Ocarina, maybe even better :D.


New Member
Ronin Storm said:
I could add it to the First Person Shooters You Play section in people's profiles and announce so people know to update?

Why don't you do that for CoD2 as well? It would be helpful to know exactly what numbers we have playing it.

As far as the thread goes, my faves are:

Theme Hospital
BF1942 + BF2
Call of Duty (the original was a ground-breaker)
The Sims (original, although the graphics are shocking by todays standards!)
GTA Series (although the latest one is a bit repetitive)


New Member
Gopha said:
wasnt mewtwo no.151 ?but yer red,blue and yellow wre kool, silver was ok but i gave up after that lol

Ah, if I tell everyone in school you know so much about pokemon, you will get DESTROYED!

*puts his hand out expecting bribe money*


New Member
Don't use the past tense here Gopha, I know you still love pikachu and all the rest of them.


In Cryo Sleep
Super Mario Brothers 3 for the NES was very VERY special. Apart from it was the first videogame I ever played, it was astoundingly brilliant! Although, thats still not my favourite ever. My favourite has to be Final Fantasy 9 on the playstation. It STILL makes me excited when I think about it. That storyline was amazing, and the graphics blew me away when I first saw them. Aside from that, you get a lot back for your money. Over a hundred hours of quality, story driven gamplay; and not to mention the BEST soundtrack ever written. That was what videogames were all about in my book.


I still gonna buy FF9 sometimes to play the full game. I only played the main story line to the end cuz I borrowed the game. Hmz I also still need to play Chrono cross and Xenogears.... and the new zelda... my poor wallet :(