What's in a name?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Some names tell a story. Some names have a history. Some names just randomly spring up, apparently out of nowhere.

All of us here have at least two names... one we were given, by our parents, to go by in the "real" world, and one we use online, our net handle.

Some of us go by many names online. Some by just one.

Where did your net handle come from? Why did you choose it? What's the story of your name?


I'll start...

In the beginning, I was known online as Rhialto, named after the sarcastic and self-superior magician in Jack Vance's book "Rhialto the Marvelous". Haven will remember that handle back from our days on Mono.

This handle I took with me to a couple of online games, mainly for roleplaying (AmberMUSH, notably, a roleplaying environment themed on Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles).

During that same time I started playing Netrek. I used various handles over a few months but I found that my play style was all fast-attack, rapid retreat, strike and fade... so I chose and stuck with a new handle, Lightning.

As Lightning I became well know. Back in the days of the Birmingham Uni Starbase Practice Server, I was the highest scoring trainee according to their logs. Hell, I wandered into a Netrek server a good nine months after I'd stopped playing, under the name Lightning, and one of the top ten guys at Netrek in Europe (called KIA) remembered me straight away ("Hey, are you the Lightning back from the B'ham days?"... I'm just sooo egotistical ;) ).

Still, while playing Netrek I was invited to join a newly forming team competing in the European Netrek League (ENL). We were a ragtag group of players, the best of those who were not already clanned. We were Team Ronin. All of us renamed ourselves for the team, prefixing our names with "Ronin". I played the Starbase and, given the circumstances (and name length restrictions) the obvious choice for my new handle was "Ronin Storm".

In Netrek they have a word for an all-out suicide attack. Some believe it might have Dutch origins, but no one seemed to know exactly. They call this attack an "Ogg". Against, DEAD, probably the top euro clan, in our first game I stood against their full-team ogg on my base and survived. I never played better. In the same season, I had a starbase that survived eight seconds, the shortest survival time in the history of the ENL. :p Ups and downs.

Still, I have fond memories of those days and so, to remind me, and because the name fits me in more ways than I care to mention, I am now know mainly as Ronin Storm.

I have other names too, here and there, but I'll let some others talk now. :)


It's so weird that you posted this today as Safety Myself and Phatbambi we just talking about it last night.

I'm afraid mines is not that exciting at all. Since Im a bonnie scotsman and my last name is McArthur, I use the name "Macca". It's not an original name by all means and I have seen quite a few people use it on other games, But Ive always used it for games even before I started playing online so, I'm not going to change :p.


Junior Administrator
well my first net handle was "mt_boffin". This is one I now tend to forget, as that was in my school days back when I was 15 and had just gotten online and needed an email address. Simple fact is, now I hate it but am stuck with it. It's very likely that I will make myself a new one soon!

That was just an email address though, so when I actually started playing games, I needed a new handle. My first online gaming experience was with my beloved Dreamcast (which I still play to this day). Online with my Dreamcast, I named myself "dccrazy" - dc for Dreamcast, and crazy because I was absolutely crazy about it and it was (and still is in my opinion) the greatest console of the last generation. I got to know quite a few people over DreamArena, but eventually people left, the Dreamcast's online services faded and I (finally) got a PC.

Now I needed a name to play games online with. The first game I really played online alot was Planetside. Now I needed a name here, and was thinking to myself "wouldn't it be funny if I was just that guy that did that thing some time?" so I named myself thatbloke. as in, that bloke that did that thing that time...

The name kinda stuck... especially as that name is very rarely taken wherever I go to register an account!

And thatbird's name? Guess...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Macca said:
Safety Myself and Phatbambi we just talking about it last night.

Really? Must be some universal inspiration speaking. :)

[edit] Had to change the names to capitals, Im just so silly -- Macca [/edit]


In Cryo Sleep
It's true.

Best explain myself then.

I initially started life online as Fat_Ity. I'm half italian and in high school I was always bigger then a lot of my scrawney mates. Therefore I was always the fat Italian or "Iti".

I didn't like the spelling of Iti so I switched it to include the "y" and thus my online handle was born. I also created my first hotmail account using this.

This stuck for a very long time. I played all my Teamfortress Classic and original CS under this handle.

During uni however I spent a weeks racing on a particulary unstable boat. Being bowman I had to do a lot of work where it's hardest to stand upright and my mate gave me the nickname of Bambi on account of my wobbly knees.

This didn't stick in sailing but I liked the nick.

I used bambi for a while until I tried to make a new gamespy account using it but it had already gone. So I canniblised my old name, added a dash of Westwood and stuck it infront of Bambi.

Hence pHatBambi.

I can also be found playing certain RTS games under the handle of Major Ziggy. Ziggy because that's what I call my computer (Quantum Leap reference) and Major because well Piacular is the Colonel. :D


Active Member
My first game I ever played online (on dial-up) was Half-Life 1 and it's many exciting mods. Back then my nickname was T-Rex, pretty average for a kid my age and probably inspired by Jurassic Park which I loved at the time :p

That became old soon enough though when I watched series 8 of Red Dwarf and met the interesting character KillCrazy who was just insane enough for my liking. I decided to change my online handle to KillCrazy and it now fits like a glove, with the appreviation KC which I just love (thanks Haven).

From then on pretty much most of the online games I've ever played have been me known as KC. One fond memory I have with the nickname was showing off at my local internet cafe a few years ago. They held some easter gaming competition that would include around 10 groups of people fighting to win, and the winners from each group would battle out in a final. I managed to get into the final, and eventual win :D
The game, I believe, was Midtown Madness, a game I had never played before! I didn't get money as a prize though, which the lucky git who won the Quake 3 tournament got (I got into the final but got beat :().


Staff member
I used to play a lot of Roleplay games back when I was a kid. We didn't have internet back then folks so we made do with amiga's, atari's and dice based games. One of my more memorable characters was "stuntee the dwarf giant slayer". This was an old Warhammer character who was a bit of a loon and great fun to play.

When I eventually got to University I finally got my first taste of the internet - lots of trees (pine) and weird furry animals (Gopher). There was also something called telnet and via some senior computer users I discovered a BBS calle mono. Mono was great and had links to some online MUDS and so I started playing online under the name Stuntee (a character that is still in mono today should you care to say hello!).

I later progressed from stuntee to Khi (which I chose simply because I liked the name of).

Finally haven ... well I was by this time teaching myself lots of computer type stuff including web page design and a little coding (it was very much early days on that front). I had long had an aspiration to create a web forum based around discussions and philosophy and I had taken the name "haven" as a part of this idea i.e. forming a "safe haven" for online discussion and ideas.

It took a little while but eventually I had the option to register a domain name through a mutual aquaintance at an ISP. I had a think and decided that it would be great to register thehaven.net and create a forum for online discussion of anything meaningful. The tag line was "the haven, a safe place for ideas and discussion". Given that the domain thehaven.net was already taken I took thehavennet.org.uk instead. The original forum discussion idea never really happened as I got hijacked by Counter Strike clan things and Natural Selection and eventually ended up focussing a lot of time on those instead.

Since then I've remained as haven and its a name many people know me by. Probably more people know haven than know me by my real name these days.


In Cryo Sleep
Well my name i made up myself out of random insparation. I had played DOD and half life and my name was so unoriginal. It was John :p (My actual name) So i felt i need a wee change. I was trying to go with something funny. So i thougth Sgtsafety. It was meant to be quite ironic. Being safe in a war :p Also found out that no one had it on anything - websites, usernames for games, accoutns on msn. So thats how i got my name. Didnt really have anything to do with me but i think its hilarious when i read something and i see the word safety i always think of myself :D So now i use it for basically everything. :D


In Cryo Sleep
Well my story starts off with the first time I got a PC, an old Packard Bell with 32MB RAM, 800MB HDD, 600 (I Think) Intel II processor and Intergrated GFX :P

I remember we got AOL (Don't hate me, I was never an AOL Kiddie) and my whole family had to register an E-Mail. My mum and dad just took their firstname.surname@aol.co.uk's without hassle but mine was taken. I tried various things and couldn't get anything then AOL did the only decent thing they've ever done. When you put in an email that was taken they gave you suggestions and they gave me Grdnstwrt (My name with no vowels). I still use this BTW as my alternate handle in some cases. So I started to play MoHAA online and was advised by people to lengthen my name (Don't ask me why) so I renamed to Grdnstwrt_The_Great.

Then I heard KillCrazy and Social Outcast talking about some guy called HotStuff being their commander :/ I was like WTF so inquired further. This of course led me to NS. The first time I played was on TheHaven server 2.0 and I came out of the I.P. and KC said "That's a skulk shoot it." so I did, and it was Ziggy :P Hence my long feud with his royal arseness began. That night me and KC were playing and this Hotstuff character came on, only for me to find out who he was I was like...OMGZ Reeli? and KC was like OMGZ YARSE!

So I remeber we all got Heavys and Shotguns and we were getting owned so I said to KC to follow me into a vent to hide, he did and so did Hotstuff. So we were hid in a vent all armed to the teeth and we put up a real good fight and Hotstuff was talking and said "KC is this that guy you were telling me about" he said "yes" and then Hotstuff said "Your name's utter shite mate I can't pronounce it, get a new one" lol :P

So I got to thinking what name should I get? I thought to Cartoons for inspirations and thought about my fave toon Swat Kats. For anyone who has not seen it was about two cats called Chance Furlong and Jake Clawson, who by night, went by The Aliases T-Bone and Razor. At first I was going to take Razor as, to me, it sounded cooler at the time. I instead opted for T-Bone though as I felt I was more like him. It has stuck ever since along with all the derivatives of it such as Mistah Boneage and Boner and Mr. T.

That's my story, I for one can't wait to hear Hotstuffs :P


Well-Known Member
Mine is simple. My real name is Ronan, and for you attentive people out there 'Nanor' is 'Ronan' backwards! :)

My email is ofcourse rocuinn@yahoo.co.uk.

The rocuinn is Ronan O Cuinn

Simple! :)


New Member
Mines quite simple and stupid really.
Back in the very old days, when emails were very first introduced, i was in need of contacting a friend. So I used my partners email of twisto@supanet.com just to save time.
15 ish years later, and I still use it. It does give me anonymity and distance from my business life, which I try desperately hard to keep separate from my family life.
Therefore: Friendly/Online nickname - Twisto
Business name - Mr Beswick


Paul Codd

= Fish

On teamspeak, people preffered calling me Fishy instead, I guess it's to do with it being a full Iam (2 syllibles) and thus closer to natural speech.

So Fish > Fishy

Anyway, then the S was replaced with the $ in order to make it unique.

And thus: Fi$hy


In Cryo Sleep
The first psuedonym I went under whilst "online" was when I created my first yahoo email account, and I was known as GingerBoyWonder, the reference being a radio show on the local radio station had a sports guy who they called the ginger boy wonder, and as I have ginger hair, I kinda liked it and so I knabbed it :D

After a while, I started to dabble in online gaming, mainly CS, with a bit of online C&C, and as I was starting to dislike the "boy" in my current handle, feeling that it was too, well, boyish ;)

It was roughly when red alert came out with their MAD tanks, and I loved the acronym, and it kinda describes my style of play on most games, (i.e. rockets at close range) so i decided to change my name to Mad_Ginger, but as I was typing it in, I mistyped and it became MadGinga, which I use to this day, in everything I do online.


Staff member
Thats not so much a story as a statement. This is about the stories behind your name remember !


In Cryo Sleep
i used to have Tominator as my CS name because it was my name made into something else and i have Pubic_Warrior because one of my mate called me one and its stuck


Similar for me. I needed an email... I used a name generator, and got eldiablowithapieceofcheese (which I loved :D), so kept it. When I started the word of online gaming, I used elDiablo. This, however, was taken more often then not, so my alter-ego, Kavina, came about through another random name generator. My alter-alter-ego (currently being used in CoH) is Thiago, which I got from the box of City of God :)


In Cryo Sleep
Ive been through more nicks than I can possibly count, but my current is by far the longest Ive kept. Heres my story.

My first taste of games where you could name yourself (all game experiences up until then were console experiences:)) was Tiberian Sun, which was pretty much my first online VG. I cant proper remember my name but I think it was Veloceraptor, because KC was my best mate at the time and his name was T-Rex :D But anyway, I got tired of that one after while.

My next online gaming conquest after that was ages later on the amazing RTS of CnC Generals. The reason for the long wait between Tib Sun and Generals was because Generals was my first game on broadband. I wasnt even going to bother trying to play online with my old 56k shiter.
Generals I played for 1 1/2 years solid, starting with the nick 'sovietbadboy'. Soviet, because Soviets had nukes and they were cool. 'badboy' because 'soviet' itself was taken. After a bit of Generals experience, I got clanned. sovietbadboy was too long to fit after the tag [FaL], so my name became Uzi9mm. Uzi nine mil because Id been playing Tomb Raider 2 beforehand and the Uzi nine millimeter was my fave weapon :)

After [FaL] broke up, I joined the clan [ASF] and changed my name once again to [ASF]Vasquez. Vasquez because 'Aliens' wis my favourite movie of all time, and Vasquez was an ultra cool marine (with a Smart Gun and everything), even though she was female ;) (I actually got asked a few times 'are you female?', which was probably my prompt to get rid of the name). After Vasquez, I had a couple more names on Generals that were self explanatory like ToYoTa_SuPrA (which still exists on Zero Hour) and redarmy.

After my superb experiences with Generals, I started to tap into online gaming a little more. First with NS where I was called Tetsuo for the first time :) After watching 'Akira', it was quite hard to fight back the urge to name myself after possibly the coolest character ever to appear on screen. I lost that fight. And so Tetsuo was born. The story doesnt quite end there though. After the NS craze diminished for the first time, I got totally stoned on CoD. Such a simple game, but so bloody great. I changed my name several times on CoD, ranging from 'Vassilli Zaitsev' , the most unoriginal name ever, to 'Mackie Senior' which was quite cool. Mackie because my full name is Calum Mackie, and Senior because my lil bro used the nick 'Mackie' before me, but he was a far better player than I was. Member of one of the best clans there ever was incidentally. Anyway, I always got people thinking I was my brother, so I had to stick a Senior in front of Mackie when I was playing so they could tell the shite one from the good one :P

After CoD, it was back to NS for the second time, and I permanently adopted the nick Tetsuo Shima. Ive used this name ever since, apart from Captain Crumb as my main man in GW. The name Captain Crumb, contrary to the popular belief that Captain Birdseye wasnt available :p, actually came from the name I gave to one of my Final Fantasy IX characters once. There was nothing funnier than hearing the Queen saying 'Captain Adelbert Crumb III'.

Ive used Captain Crumb once more afterwards, as my Xbox Live nick because Tetsuo was taken. Im extremely pleased with the feedback I get about my name :) I always get mad Englishmen coming on going 'Hey ... Captain Crumb! Thats a good name innit? Captain Crumb. Cap'n Crumb.. Aaaaaarrgggh, me hearteys, Cap'n Crumb!' So I was toying with the idea of permanently becoming Captain Crumb, but then I watched Akira again and it dispelled my doubts about Tetsuo.

There you go lads.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm up for another run at this to explain my other online name...

Ronin Storm said:
This handle I took with me to a couple of online games, mainly for roleplaying (AmberMUSH, notably, a roleplaying environment themed on Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles).

While playing on AmberMUSH I met all manner of interesting people. Some of the most creative online roleplayers I've come across were clustered on AmberMUSH (along with some of the most insidious cliques :p ). One such guy was called Mikloshe, of House Barimen, one of the Houses of the Courts of Chaos (if you've read the books you'd know what I was talking about).

Mikloshe, a sort of elfin name. I've borrowed it, without asking... though not for want of trying. I just haven't seen the guy who I saw originally using it anywhere ever again. I hope he doesn't mind!

In Everquest I was known as Mikloshe, the Half Elf Ranger, doomed to be lost or to bravely cry "But there's only three of them...!" right before charging these death-hard mobs. While playing Everquest I joined a Guild called the Order of the Green Knights.

Five years on, having passed through Everquest 2, I still host their Guild web site, though now they are named Order of Green Knights (dropped the "the" in there). To the EQ community, I'm known as Mikloshe, or actually Mikloshe Fearless, the last name acquired from running fearfully between the legs of giants that could kill me in two hits for something over 45 minutes (seriously!) as I took the wrong turning and ran round an entire giant-infested zone desperate for the way out...

In all sorts of games I revive the handle Mikloshe to live again in some elfish ranger format. Indeed, my main character for WoW is called Mikloshe, a Night Elf Hunter (37) on the Bronzebeard server. I slot the Fearless in just to cheer up Rojaws for all those times I've said, "Hey, I wonder what's down here..." :D


In Cryo Sleep
Well heres the story of gopher(gopha)

My first year in Secondary and well, I had the nicest of friends whcih compared me to a mole, cos I look like one, then some Yr11's called me Gopher, and I was like WTF! so I looked it up nad I was like OMD its like a mole:D and my yahoo at the time was liam_mole@yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk

Its now Uber_mole-@ otmail.com (Wanted mistake btw), and me and my friends Taffy and another kid from school had always played the old Battlefield series with my love for 1942 and taffys love for vietnam we couldnt resist BF2, and we decided(attempted) to make our own clan [LIONS]

Each of us decided to have our nicknames/cusses as our usernames for the game and I just guess mine stuck, now everyone I know calls me gopha (or ron burgundy)
