What's in a name?



The choosing of my name was pretty simple and if not all be it a bit stupid. So there I am installing a nice new copy of BF2 onto the "Dwarf"(My Pc/long story).
So all goes well and we get o the login stage of BF2.

My prefered name has always been Demon. Back on the day of SOFII I was known as Just Another Noob or "JAN" as the boys called me :(

Then in SOFII I created my own clan and the name I selected for the clan was DemonGamerZ still going to this day may I add. As the boss man it was my place to assume the Name Demon and I used it for years after.

Now back to the BF2 bit.....So typed in Demon hit enter and of course - Sorry User Name Exists. Damn ok I don't mind changing it slightly. So I try D3Mon - nope some one has that. So I go through all the nick names i really like and low and behold some beggers already taken it, to my dispear I look up to see a can of Lynx Africa. Hmmmm lets try Lynx (Also a Anti Tank chopper for the army and many other roles) as Africa sounds like a name for one of of Chris Martins kids.

And well there you go Its all mine :D

P.s. if its back to front excuse me - im tired from work!

Behind You

In Cryo Sleep
elDiablo, I know someone who's first name is Thiago. :P

I started using Behind You a while ago and I got a lot of influence from playing Rogue/Assassins in Dungeons and Dragons. As Behind You I was the average teenage gamer for a while, typing in incomplete sentences and all that. When I matured a bit more and started using full sentences in game I switched to Durandal. I also changed because it's a bit more of a name and less of a joke. (The Marathon series also happens to be one of my all-time favorites) In the time between the two I've gone through quite a few other names and I haven't found any I really liked. I'm waiting for one that stands out before switching again. (Hopefully for the last time)


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo is cool but Kaneda is the coolest character in that film.

I also stole that for my short lived Eve name - Kandea Suul. Stupid Piacular spoilt Eve by getting his new ship blown up, forgetting to insure it, having a huff and deciding he didn't want to play anymore. :(


In Cryo Sleep
pHatBambi said:
Stupid Piacular spoilt Eve by getting his new ship blown up, forgetting to insure it, having a huff and deciding he didn't want to play anymore. :(

ahhhh thats why he suddenly shut up about how awesome and brilliant EVE was/is.....


In Cryo Sleep
Goddamn him. Eve would have been really good if he hadn't been so stupid.

We'd just gotten involved with a company and were starting to earn useful amounts of cash. Now it's all gone.


In Cryo Sleep
pHatBambi said:
Tetsuo is cool but Kaneda is the coolest character in that film.

Kaneda was funny, Tetsuo was cool :) Ive got this really brilliant original Akira movie poster on my wall though, the one with Kaneda walking towards his bike. He looks really cool in that one. However, Ive got Tetsuo stickers on my locker at work so :p (yes yes, sad I know. Im the only one that decorated their locker as well so it kinda stands out).


New Member

Well, when I first got online and registered on forums, played online etc. I was always known as Red Dragon, because of the Red Dragon on the Welsh flag and also because of the fact I have red hair. Some also link it to my ability to breathe fire, but thats another story ;)
My back-up for Red Dragon was Red Dragon 29, as 29 is the day I was born. Not very imaginative, though.

Then, one day, whilst at school, someone told me that people from Wales, especially the Cardiff area, are called Taffs. I liked it, so I kept it. Cept, another time I tried to register as Taff, but it was already taken. So, what did I do? Bunged a y on the end. And so it has stuck to this day.

Unfortunately, sometimes Americans think my name is 'toffee' because the 'Americanism' for toffee is Taffy! Great. Maybe i'll find a way of merging Red Dragon with Taffy...


New Member
Tetsuo_Shima said:
I got totally stoned on CoD. Such a simple game, but so bloody great. I changed my name several times on CoD, ranging from 'Vassilli Zaitsev' , the most unoriginal name ever, to 'Mackie Senior' which was quite cool. Mackie because my full name is Calum Mackie, and Senior because my lil bro used the nick 'Mackie' before me, but he was a far better player than I was. Member of one of the best clans there ever was incidentally. Anyway, I always got people thinking I was my brother, so I had to stick a Senior in front of Mackie when I was playing so they could tell the shite one from the good one :P

No way! I recall a certain Mackie Senior. I bumped into you on CoD once or twice.

That reminds of another name I occasionally use: The Angry Welshman. Angry cause I tend to get a tad 'frustrated' when I get owned by people on game, and Welshman because...well...guess. ANOTHER take on this is The Drunk Welshman. Guess why :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Red Dragon + Taffy = ???

  • Daffy?
  • Tragon?
  • Raffy?
  • Red Taffy?
  • Taffy the Red?
  • Dragon Taffy?
  • Taffon?

Hmm... not liking your options there. ;)


Staff member
Back in the day, i think it was '93 or '94, I started hanging around on different BBS'es. That required a nick. My dad had just started a flower bulb mail order company thingie, called Botanicus. I thought that sounded nice, and Added a "Doctor" in front. Why I can't remember. Then, later on (96 I think) I found IRC. Doctor_Botanicus would not work there, however, so DocBot it was. That made for some fun /msg's before people figured out I wasn't actually a Bot. Then it just stuck, especially since I've never seen or heard of more than one other with the nick (that one other was mentioned on Penny Arcade a while back. Rather irritating, I thought).

When I started playing Quake 2 I switched to DocOGRE from time to time, when I got really annoyed with someone - and it seemed to work (I switched tactics, too, to something more fitting of an OGRE). Potent.

We actually had a clan in CS as well, [LmA] - Les miserAbles that did quite well for a while. Then came the 13 year olds and kicked our sorry behinds into the next century, and we quit.

Fuzzy Bunny

I went by "78" when I first started online gaming. Not at all sure why. I'd sometimes add a word or something in front of it to get something like "Blah78" I later cahnged it to "7even 8ight" After that I used "Spanky the Dolphin" which was directly stolen from Aerofighters 2, which is my favorite arcade game at the time (and still is). I was still intermittenly using "78" and "Word78" up until a few years ago. I started using "Fuzzy Bunny" when I was playing on a LAN with some friends. I decided I needed a name that would cause them to become confused and unsure of who was playing, so I made up a new one. I also decided that it should be scary. I've been using "Fuzzy Bunny" for a few years now, and haven't used any of the old names for anything other than aliasing.


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
Red Dragon + Taffy = ???

  • Daffy?
  • Tragon?
  • Raffy?
  • Red Taffy?
  • Taffy the Red?
  • Dragon Taffy?
  • Taffon?

Hmm... not liking your options there. ;)

Colonel Getaffy :D


In Cryo Sleep
Mr P's turn :).

Way back in the days of offline gaming, in RPG's such as Shining Force 1-2 where you got to name your main character, I called myself Sammy. Genius I know, my first name being Sam and all ;). So anyways, in any offline game I tend to use variations of Sam (in Oblivion I am the mighty Samuel!), any profiles I have to create generally get the Sammy treatment too.

Problem is Sammy is quite a popular name for some reason, so when my friends and I start playing Team Fortress Classic I decided I needed a new one. I'm sure most of you will be surprised by this revelation, but I used the medic class a lot, so being the clever child I was I chose the handle Medic :). Not particularly unique but there is fun to be had dicking on other people using the same name ;).

Anyhoo years went by and up until university I was still using Sammy in the majority of LAN games etc, I quite enjoyed the thought of laid back commander Sammy beating back the frenzied Zerg rushes of the Fat Italian :cool:. At uni I eventually up living with a guy called Sean and we discovered BF1942. Such a momentous game required a new nick! Sean called himself Captain Solo, and trying to keep with the military theme (but obviously having to be a higher rank ;)), I chose Colonel Mustard :). The struggle between Solo and Mustard was epic, both our AI armies clashed a thousand times, generally leading to the shouts of "Damn you, SOLO!!!". Colonel Mustard has had various incantations in strategy games too, favouring the French in Rise of Nations I enjoyed a turn as Le Bastard Mustard. Sadly unavailable now with all the censorship going on :(.

On to Battlefield 2. With BF2's insistence on unique handles I was left a little stumped, all my previous choices had been poached. I settled down in front of the computer with a dictionary and started flicking for inspiration :). After flicking through for a while I decided to look up the actual definition of my chosen subject physics, and lo, upon the opposite page was the perfect cloak. It sounded good and the definition was perfect. So here I am today, pestering many games as Pia :).


In Cryo Sleep

Now theres a fair few more members who I know now who I have very little idea where their name comes from, so though't I'd bump this thread a bit.

For those who haven't worked out, Wol is my surname, reversed and shortened. I used to use the longer version of it (Yerwol) on CSS servers back in 2006, and people generally shortened it to Wol, so now I'm just Wol!

As for capitalisation, it's a capital W even though tht w is from the middle of my surname.....

Unless I'm signing a message, in which case I'll put " /wol. "


Super Moderator
Staff member
i used to play a lot of Red Alert back in the day and i had a bit of a thing\knack for soviet tank rush.
became a saying, crushed with an iron fist
from this i gained the fabulous nick you see here today


Junior Administrator

The bob bit comes from a combo of looking like
bobby from king of the hill
when i was 11 and the fact that my dads name is in fact bob. The waterproof bit comes from combo of my email and school elections in 6th form. My email came from a day at work when it was raining like a mother at work and when asked why i wasn't moving pcs outside i replied I'm crazy not waterproof. Then in the upper 6th there was a school election and me and a mate thought it bitterly unfair that the monster raving loony party wouldn't be allowed to stand in the election, so we contacted the party for support thinking nothing would come of it but they actually contacted the school politics dep. As a mad name to use while contacting them we used the name waterproofbob's and for me it stuck. we never did run as the MRLP due to the politics teachers confronting us and we totally lied our arses off thinking we were in trouble.


Active Member
...we never did run as the MRLP due to the politics teachers confronting us and we totally lied our arses off thinking we were in trouble...

Actually, that sounds like true political potential right there...

Aaaanyway. Ashya. Second char I rolled on Scarshield Legion Horde side. Just something I thought sounded nicely trolley without being too... "-jin"-derived. Actually, the story of the first char I rolled on SSL is more funny.

Rolled a "standard" female gnome warrior, complete with pink hair and pigtails and called her "Bippy" after a member on another forum I used to go to, who was called "Bippy the Beardless". Actually used that name as my RP handle when RPing on SSL Alliance. Then, due to a bit of RP I was running I rolled a female Undead warlock on SSL Horde side called... Teeboppity. And in my FlagRSP I mentioned my Voidwalker was called "Booh".

The person I ran this plot with (back in... oooh... 2006?) only a few weeks ago saw the connection... Bippy, Teeboppity, Booh...


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

A few friends of mine first got into WoW and, just for laughs, called themselves the Zggy brothers, namely Zaggy, Zeggy, Zoggy and Zuggy. (Zuggy was in the guild briefly, a couple of years ago.) They always played together, and when people commented on their names, they claimed to be searching for their long lost brother Ziggy. Eventually, another one of our friends started playing and took that name. By the time I came along, they were out of vowels, and that's where you got Zaggu (later Zaggorn, who's still in the guild). But, instead of going Zag's way, I wanted to make it work with the 'ggy ending, so I came up with Zooggy. As it was, most of them were already tapering off their WoW incursions, and I'm pretty much the only one left, except for Zag, who still pops up every now and then.

My forum name is simply my main WoW character's name...

In other online media, I go by McMendes, which is also my Steam handle. That's just two of my middle initials plus my last name, put together in a semi-scottish fashion because I happen to think that McScottish names are cool. :)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
put together in a semi-scottish fashion because I happen to think that McScottish names are cool.

Trek trivia...

James Doohan, best known as Chief Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott on the Starship Enterprise, chose to deliver his character with a Scottish accent because it made him sound more authoritative. :)