What's your speed?


In Cryo Sleep
Purely out of interest and boredom, I sat this afternoon pondering what to do next on THN, following which I had a brain wave! Having recently read an article stating that the UK is a pitiful 12th on the list of "Average Internet Speeds around the World." So, I feel it's time for a survey! It's very easy to read these things, and THN seems like a diverse bunch, so I decided to get some "real-world" figures to back up the figures I read (published in 360 magazine for anyone interested) and, if we don't get a sufficient number of entries, I shall subdivide the UK into it's constituent countries.

Please list your internet speed and location so that I may waste time figuring out averages and generally procrastinate, avoiding "real work" (because we all know that it's over-rated!)

Cheers in advance!


Junior Administrator
I would suggest using Speedtest as a measure - You can go to their website, run the test from their internet server then it gives you some handy bbcode you can copy into here that will display your connection speed :)




At 9:43pm too. You just wait till I do it at 4am!


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, whoops, forgot to do my own

ummmmm, yea, not that great to be honest, considering BT boasts of 7MB, ahh well, not my worst anyway, seen it down at around 1.5MB, so score!


Junior Administrator
I love mine

Note: This was whilst at least 2 members of the house were watching iPLayer and I was torrenting, I'll run something tomorrow which is clean


Well-Known Member
Mine would be faster if I wasn't so far away from the exchange, we can't get more than 9~mbit so I'm on the upto 8 with Be :)

From my sig:


BeUnlimited for the fucking win. Also, ace for torrenting (upspeed and unlimited)


Super Moderator
Staff member

this is with torrents and Eve running, though i know the theoretical maximum is

as that is -5-10% of the stated connection speed which i use in my script for doing QOS packet mangling :p


In Cryo Sleep


Hmmmmm, not bad considering my distance from the server, but still not reaching those 7MB speeds claimed by BT, and it is pretty late in a quiet neighbourhood (with what I would expect to be few connections) Baffled by the much higher download speed in London than Dublin too, what with an extra 150 miles, you'd expect it to be slower..... Also, since when is Dublin around 200 miles from Belfast? :p

EDIT. Did this one for a laugh, was very surprised when this result showed up......someone care to explain to me how this works? :p

I mean, let's be honest, 3100 miles is a lot more than 200, so why is 200 so marginally better? *Baffled once again*


Active Member
What I am apparently getting at the moment is:

While according to my router I should be more around:

DownStream Connection Speed 21567 kbps
UpStream Connection Speed 1399 kbps

Silly internet is silly, I'm like 100 metres from my exchange.


Junior Administrator
Look at your pings to those different servers..... That's all that changes, data amount stays relativly the same worldwide. It's also partly based on how much the server can upload at.


In Cryo Sleep
Geez, speedtest need to SPEED UP THEIR F***ING FLASH ANIMATION

hm. not too bad considering its bog standard normal upto8mb internet.

edit: also just remembered that I am watching iplayer and azureus is ticking over in the background cos its not quite 8am yet when it stops!

Trouble with that one was that the download went in a fraction of a second and couldn't get up to speed! Another test whist uses files larger than 5kb says that its 22799kbps down and 62503 up.... a slight difference for fast connections!