Aliens: Colonial Marines

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, like any Aliens fanboy, I want to like this, want to feel excited that a new Aliens game is coming out... but there's no demo to be found and the previews seem fairly mixed, and the games since AvP1 have been okay at best.

Anyone heard anything overwhelmingly positive about this? And any news of a PC demo?


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping this is good. I'm hoping so hard I get nosebleeds. I'm clinging to this hope like a drowning man at sea clings to a life preserver.


Active Member
Im not aware of any positive points about this game*, negatives:

All the developer demos were done with consoles, all of the dev chat videos show them playing it on pcs(what appears to be their workstations) with controllers. Every single one of the vids has no AA due to being xbox, i have no plans to pre order :(

+ i've been burned too many times by sega pre orders on buggy games(S2TW to name one).

All that said, the concepts look nice, the story if truly canon could be nice. Will it support playable aliens in MP (like left4dead, yes it does), no idea, preds(?) not likely.

*From an innovation standpoint

The non gameplay videos look ok, but in the gameplay ones, you can clearly see the stupid console autoaim shite at work.

EDIT: - 11+ articles on the game.

In this video for example, watch how the "player" pans there view from left to right, it is clearly not a mouse.



Junior Administrator
The game is basically Borderlands in Aliens Vs Marines form. minus the ability to jump 3 meters in the air...

I've preordered it as Gearbox haven't let me down with BL1 or 2.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
The game is basically Borderlands in Aliens Vs Marines form. minus the ability to jump 3 meters in the air...

I've preordered it as Gearbox haven't let me down with BL1 or 2.

Whereas what was probably required was Left 4 Dead in Alien form.

My opinions on Borederlands are well known.


Active Member
As usual my anti console bias shines a little to bright, though not anti-controller.

Not completely written off buying it though.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'll be waiting for favourable reviews and, even then, most likely for price drops too.


£29.99 direct from Steam, or £21.85 from SimpleGames, and it registers on Steam. Thanks to SavyGamer.

That said, a nice discounted 4-pack would probably convince a lot of people to get it, IMO.


Active Member
Heres the most convincing reason yet to not buy it:


Hungry for more Aliens: Colonial Marines? Purchase the Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass and get access to four downloadable content packages at a 33% discount! All add-on content packs are scheduled to be released from March through to summer 2013. The Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass will give you access to campaign content, additional multiplayer maps, new modes, character customisation and more!

If you purchase this Aliens: Colonial Marines Season Pass, all included content should be downloaded in-game and not individually from Steam, or you will be charged twice.

Yay new modes. Lets split our gaming community between those who pay and those who don't/won't/can't. :S

I also don't know why mk1 was thinking there would be Predators in this, as its story is the direct sequel to Aliens (the second movie)

Some kind of lapse im sure. :)

All that said, a little sour this year due to being very time poor with regards to the new releases. Probably why i am too eager to downplay, i dont think i'll have time for crysis 3 or farcry 3 until the summer.


Active Member
Excellent, i have no intention of paying for multiplayer crap i won't use so can buy a slimmed down singleplayer game for cheaper :)


Active Member
Excellent, i have no intention of paying for multiplayer crap i won't use so can buy a slimmed down singleplayer game for cheaper :)

No doubt you can expect each DLC to contain a bit of everything, making it impossible to get the SP content without the MP content - further sadness from this business model.


No doubt you can expect each DLC to contain a bit of everything, making it impossible to get the SP content without the MP content - further sadness from this business model.

This sounds more like the Borderlands 2 Season Pass to me. Which I actually quite liked. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they do what BL2 did, in that they made the main game fine, and then the DLC was actually extra stuff to go on afterwards, rather than take away some of the experience and sell it for more.


Active Member
This sounds more like the Borderlands 2 Season Pass to me. Which I actually quite liked. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they do what BL2 did, in that they made the main game fine, and then the DLC was actually extra stuff to go on afterwards, rather than take away some of the experience and sell it for more.

I was thinking of the Cod Blops 1 DLCs, each one contained a zombie map and some multiplayer maps, expensive if you dont play MP.

I got the BL2 seasonpass. Though i have not played the dlcs the concept is to add to SP, what i was alluding too before is for example if there are 4 DLC.

Each dlc could contain 4 maps of the same game type, so there'd be a multiplayer dlc, a campaign dlc, an additions to versus dlc, someother dlc(eg unlocks). But it "sounds" more likely that it will be like blops with 1 of each per dlc, no doubt i am speculating, but i do not like buying game content i do not want.

All that said, if i wasnt busy studying all week every week i would have time to play, and would just buy it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Early indications aren't encouraging:

Note: review is a bit spoilerific, sufficiently so that I skipped most of the middle bit; not entirely the highest quality stuff, but maybe indicative?

Also, appears there's a review embargo, which is why there's been a lack of reviews for a game that clearly must have been in reviewers hands for days or weeks. GameAsylum above report they have a retail copy of the game and, as such, aren't bound by embargo.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Aside from the fact that the author either doesn't understand how to use apostrophes or has no knowledge of the source material, that interview pretty much confirms the overall feeling the RPS guys have had.

I think we all need to just accept that AvP Gold was the best alien game, and will never be bested. They just got it.