Im not aware of any positive points about this game*, negatives:
All the developer demos were done with consoles, all of the dev chat videos show them playing it on pcs(what appears to be their workstations) with controllers. Every single one of the vids has no AA due to being xbox, i have no plans to pre order
+ i've been burned too many times by sega pre orders on buggy games(S2TW to name one).
All that said, the concepts look nice, the story if truly canon could be nice. Will it support playable aliens in MP (like left4dead, yes it does), no idea, preds(?) not likely.
*From an innovation standpoint
The non gameplay videos look ok, but in the gameplay ones, you can clearly see the stupid console autoaim shite at work.
EDIT: - 11+ articles on the game.
In this video for example, watch how the "player" pans there view from left to right, it is clearly not a mouse.