I was just wondering what you guys views are on AVP coming out on the 19th.
It looks awsome (Im getting it as my sister gave me the money + Pre-ordered i from Game on the PS3.) but im just worried about online, will it turn into another "Lol hai i run around pretending im pure imbaness!!111one!11!1!!!1" or will it stick to the way the designers designed it to?
Ala (And yes, i took the "DEsigned to" from the GAME website.):
Designed to:
As the Xenomorph you will need to master concealment, hiding in vents, pipes or just a dark corner.
People will just run around failing their limbs madly.
Designed to:
Decoy - If you have a fellow Alien with you, get them to draw the attention of the Predator or Marines away from you. this will leave you free to sneak in behind your distracted prey and despach them quickly.
People has -never- cared about the others they play a FPS with, only in Clan matches and when they play with freinds.
Designed to:
If you're looking to hurl yourself head on into battle, play the numbers game. Make sure you have more Aliens backing you up when running in so you can overwhelm them.
Now, this one might just me being akward, but *shrug* sure, numbers will be good, especially if everyones going around at top speed failing their limbs about, but odds are we will be blocked by people only caring about getting their kill, or only worrying about their own safty and expecting you to go first or whatever.
Designed to:
Try to attack when others are already preoccupied. But take a good look around before you launch in, as other Aliens or Marines could be running in to help their allies.
As with the Aliens, people only care about themselves, and will run in firing wildly and hoping they get kills, thus ruining the -entire- aspect of Predator "hunting".
Designed to:
Marines have no close combat abilities to speak of and Aliens have no long range attacks. So plan your attacks to play to your strengths.
Like people care if they have no CC? They will prob stealth up and go "Lol hai! *Wrist blades in one persons head and then get attacked by everyone else*"
Designed to:
Also you have your cloaking device so you can see them, but they can't see you.
Cloak spam. I know its a -main- aspect of Predator, but i think i can see myself shouting at my TV when i get stabbed from behind. So..Not as much as a worry, but as a "In my head moan".
Designed to:
Work alone mostly.
Like people care, they will hug each other and go "lol i was here first move! *wrist blades teammate* "
Designed to (This one made me laugh.):
Travel in Packs - There is safety in numbers, usually. Whether you employ a back to back formation or have one of you watching the rear the more eyes and ears you have around you, the safer you'll be. Plus the extra guns will help.
Well. When have you EVER played a FPS outside a clan match / group of freinds, and they work together? Everyone will have smart guns, no real tactic, apart from the "SOMTHINGS MOVING! *Spam smart gun bullets into anything that flys across the screen*"
Designed to:
If you employ the above tactic, try to mix up the weaponry. This should help you prepare for an Alien swarm or surprise Predator attack.
As said in the 1st marine part, everyone wil choose the most OP weapon they have access to. Im hoping they go with the Americas Army style of "Squads" for this, meaning you have a set type of weapons (like in the entire game, each team had one LMG).
Designed to:
Keep your cool. Don't run off in the heat of battle to take out a solo Alien as it may be leading you into a trap.
People only care about their own kill count, they will run off every chance they get.
Designed to:
Keep communicating, don't just look forward - look everywhere! Your enemies can manoeuvre into positions that you can't, so by keeping a sharp eye on your surroundings you may be able to spot them before they launch their attack.
They wont communicate, they will just spray bullets at a location, and hope they kill somthing, while the entire "Squad" if you ever get a "Squad" going and working properly, will turn and spray too, leaving 3 sides open to attack.