Smartgun is rather good, if you ask me. -Main- bad thing about it is it has 100 shots, and you run outta ammo stupidly fast.
This demo is the demo from Last years E3, so gauge that against the full buildUltimately, untill we can try out the full game, we are working on very primitive demo material.
What's worrying though is that the launch isn't far away, and they've likely already printed copies of it... meaning this demo is a pretty good indication of the core game mechanics.
Roll on single player being fun and engaging, but i'll likely give MP a miss on this one.
My bro might be buying it, if he does i'll poke him to add you on PSN or something similar (I will too).
Or do you mean the demo?
Ordered this, really enjoyed avp2 singleplayer and lan.
I dislike how each race has just 1 class and then you find all the weaponry in the map...
Avp2 had it down with different marine and predator classes and different alien breeds.
I love it. Means Predators cant go around going "OLOLOL! PLASMA CANNON!" 24/7. Same with Marines with the smart gun (which is surprisingly weak. But if you don't take the person with it down fast, your dead.)
And as for Different Alien Breeds..Ones that i know of: Runner (Scout, really fast attack speed.), Drone (More or less a slave.), Warrior (Slightly more powerful then a drone), Praetorian (Baby queen, or royal guard. Whatever. Super powerful, high health), Predalien (What it says, Drone / warrior from a Predator, Aspects of both races.), then the Praetorian had "3" offshoots, one being: Carrier (Carries Facehuggers and can fling them at prey) and the other Ravager (Big scary thing with Tyranid or "scythe" like blades coming out of its arms.)
I also remember from when i was a kid, action figures to the effect of: Flying Queen Alien (Queen with Wings.) and Rhino Alien (Alien from a Rhino? *shrug*)
Quite frankly, if aliens had that many variations, i wouldn't even want to play the game, as we would just be mowed down.
I'm rather happy with just the Drone strength alien (with Praetorian skin).