Aliens vs Predator


Junior Administrator
I have a 360 controller plugged into my PC pretty much all the time... makes me glad that I dont have the game :D


Active Member
Single-player is most fun. :3

Just finished the Marine campaign and had a blast with it though the plot wasn't all that great (shock and awe!) but I've just started on my Alien play-through and it's so very fun, I love my dear mommy the Queen. <3


Single-player is most fun. :3

Just finished the Marine campaign and had a blast with it though the plot wasn't all that great (shock and awe!) but I've just started on my Alien play-through and it's so very fun, I love my dear mommy the Queen. <3

Best campaign is the Marine and Alien, Predator wasn't too fun, imo.

Marine Ending.

Marine you find the location of the Alien homeworld, how is that not good plot? ._.

Alien Ending.

You become the queen on the a ship that tries to take you away :eek: SIX SHALL NOT DIE!!


Active Member
Just out of interest, how long is each campaign?
For a game who's multiplayer appears to be so broken as to be unworthy of attention, i'm currently regarding the game as singleplayer only game, and would like to know how long it is.


Just out of interest, how long is each campaign?
For a game who's multiplayer appears to be so broken as to be unworthy of attention, i'm currently regarding the game as singleplayer only game, and would like to know how long it is.

Hmm..About 5 levels each i would say. Marine and Alien ones are the better ones, predator was just...eugh. Its such a boring story for them.


Junior Administrator
Here ye go.

steamforums said:
Single player campaigns:

Marine campaign:
- 6-7 hours
- Colony
- Refinery
- Jungle
- Ruins
- Research Lab
- Pyramid

Predator campaign:
- 4-5 hours
- Tutorial
- Jungle
- Refinery
- Ruins
- Research Lab
- Pyramid

Alien campaign:
- 3-4 hours
- Research Lab
- Colony
- Refinery
- Jungle
- Ruins

- The three campaigns can be played in any order, they show the same story from different points of view.
- There is no co-op mode for the single player campaigns.
- the predalien appears as an enemy in single player.


Active Member
I tend to cut a good 10% off of estimates about game length as i tend to play religiously when i first get a game, so about 12 hours.... yeah that's not long at all, specially with a lack of co-op, no dedicated servers in multiplayer etc.
Yep, going to give this one a miss and just dig out AVP2.


Its worth a Rent, but then, you cant rent games for PC. See if yu can borrow off a freind. Its not really worth buying, since the multiplayer failed, single player is totally worth it.


Active Member
@Gombol: Aye, the Marine story was fun but I guess I was distracted by my hunt for the audio diaries. The whole temple stuff reminded me too much of the AvP movie which may be why I didn't like it so much, not so suprising though I guess.

I'm only on the 2nd mission of the Alien campaign but enjoying it a lot, though I'm definitely not surprised about the Predator plot not being all that great. I am reminded now though that I really need to watch the movie Predator. >.>


Active Member
I'm on the last level of the marine campaign, having just played the first 2(3) predator levels, and before that the whole alien campaign(played the marines before alien :D), i have to say, the alien campaign was alot of fun, though i think i'd have prefered more sandbox content(with regards to alien and pred content), like farcry1.


@Gombol: Aye, the Marine story was fun but I guess I was distracted by my hunt for the audio diaries. The whole temple stuff reminded me too much of the AvP movie which may be why I didn't like it so much, not so suprising though I guess.

I'm only on the 2nd mission of the Alien campaign but enjoying it a lot, though I'm definitely not surprised about the Predator plot not being all that great. I am reminded now though that I really need to watch the movie Predator. >.>

Temple level online is DIRE. You know the first AVP film? With the Pyramid shifting? It does that. And its pitch black.

Predator storyline:

Predator goes to defend temple, blah blah, fights a queen, blah blah, fights the predalien, then goes back to his ship all honored. Pretty crap storyline imo.


Active Member
Also: I've learned the hard way that when you subscribe to a thread the e-mails with posts don't have the spoiler tags. ;-;


Active Member
Aw, it's okay, I had already finished the Marine campaign and well, I'm playing the Alien campaign for the eating of people's heads more than the plot. ;)


Active Member
I think it has been more fun to dip in and out of the 3 story perspectives rather than playing a whole camp in one go, for me it was M,A,M,A(A finished) P,M(m finished) P - p not yet finished :(


Just finished the Alien campaign (in one go) in a little over 2 hours (on hard, not super hard - sodding no checkpoints, whatever). Was fun. Enjoyed it. But pretty meh overall. About the final level, hence spoiler tags:

The Elite Predator was easiler to kill than the 2 non-Elites. He walked towards me slowly, meaning I could walk away from him slowly using my tail continuously. What's up with that? He tried to stab me once, and that was it? On hard?! Pretty disappointed with the "boss battle" I guess. I feel no closure.


Active Member
Wow, so being edited even for mentioning piracy now?
I could understand if i'd posted links or something similar, but...