Aliens vs Predator



Depends how you play it in games though. since everything is nicely balanced in AVP3.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Courtesy of SavyGamer, turns out that Zavvi are doing Aliens vs Predator PC pretty cheap at £16.95 delivered.

Not had chance to play the demo yet. Is this looking like it's worth a buy?

"Check those corners..."


Staff member
Stupid site redirecting me to swedish help section (which is empty) when I try to find out about deliveries. So, yeah. Does zavvi ship games to Sweden? And if so, do they charge anything for it?


I'm sure that the Steam announcement said that "Other major territories" would be getting it on Thursday...

Im not getting mine off Steam, and i dunno if GAME has changed their release date..*Checks*

EDIT: Nope, GAME hasnt changed.

EDIT 2: Quotes from AVP page on STEAM:

Available: 19 February 2010
This game will unlock in approximately 2 days and 4 hours


They prob said "we shall release a day early, so it we will be on time for once!"


Staff member
Console version got a "decent" rating on IGN and a "mediocre" rating on gamespot... :(


Well-Known Member
I dont usually read reviews i'll be honest. When i do its a wholly sobering experience where details i could quite happily have overlooked when playing a sheer joy thing are pointed out beforehand so i cant enjoy the game anymore. So i read the reviews of AVP because in all honesty nothing that any corporate sponsored douchebag 'critic' could say would stop me from a) buying it or b) enjoying it.

All they mean to me is a giggle at the moment. Finding the most rediculous thing they've said as a criticism is damn fun. Can you review reviews? doesnt bad shit happen when you do that? Meh who cares.

By far the stupidest things said come from 1UP. Read it, its a complete hate fest. He even rages against how long it takes the one hit kill animations from behind.

Gamespot had some gems too. There arent any spoilers here so dont worry.

'Executing a well-planned attack can be fulfilling, though the game doesn't create many such moments, leaving you to make them of your own accord.'

Heaven forbid the game makes you work for rewarding kills. How dare they! There were other brilliant lines like he pans how civilians cower in terror at the sight of an alien or predator. Like he cant grasp why they would do it. Classic.

Read gamespy's review before they take it off for being terrible. Guys trying to be yahtzee from zero punctuation and failing hard at it.


Dunno what it's like on the PC, but the PS3 version: Is. Not. Worth. It. If. You. Want. Multiplayer. 10 mins ive sat in a queue this morning (Might be 'cause its morning and americans are sleeping, i dunno.) and only games i got are 2v2 or 2v2v2. I didnt really buy this game for 2v2v2, i bought it for the decent multiplayer the demo had (when it was fixed) and wanting full games (8, 12, 16 are the amounts i think to search for.). Plus, people seem bloody scared to go into Ranked matches to level up. It doesnt bloody effect much, it gives you XP and more skins! Bloody idiots. Can tell i wont be playing this much, might rebuy it for the PC when i can get a comp that can run it though.


Active Member
Anyone know why the box says you need 4.6 gb hdd space and the steam installer asks for 16? Never before have i seen 35 minutes remaining to install.