Anyone play Dota 2

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Feh, spoil sport. I'm enjoying my 24 for 2 win. Also, I am a "lowerbracket" player, so entirely fine. :p

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Some more good games this evening with Zeej and Nanor. Another excellent 25 for 3 win, this time with Bloodseeker, and a couple of punishing losses, one as Chaos Knight and the other as Juggernaut. Not sure if I'll be around for the next three evenings but may be back on late Sunday evening.


Well-Known Member
Bonertastic. Enjoying Clinkle or whatever his name is. Batrider sucked dong.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Starting to switch from bot matches to pub games vs humans. Having some success with Dragon Knight. Just stomped a Doombringer - Axe combo, but then their Tiny and Keeper of the Light were feeding so not entirely fair.


Well-Known Member
If anyone fancies a game just give me a poke. I'll have little to do this week.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Will do. I tend to play very late (23:00 UK) but I'll be doing more human vs human pub games to learn a bit more about how the game really plays.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Will do. Always could use some more people on TS too if anyone's feeling both brave and n00b-mistake friendly.


New Member
For games that late i'll probs only be able to play on a friday night. Interested in taking the training wheels off and going for human opponents though.

What do you mean n00b friendly?


Well-Known Member
For games that late i'll probs only be able to play on a friday night. Interested in taking the training wheels off and going for human opponents though.

What do you mean n00b friendly?
As in when I happen to do something that is detrimental to our team due to my inexperience you don't curse me out like you've caught me bedding all female members of your close and extended family.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As in when I happen to do something that is detrimental to our team due to my inexperience you don't curse me out like you've caught me bedding all female members of your close and extended family.

Yeah, pretty much that. :)


New Member
Oh. Yeah we're all n00bs man, I suck just as much as the next guy. You don't learn anything unless you try and learn from mistakes. :)


Well-Known Member
Played Dazzle a bit. He seemed a pretty nice character if I had someone competent to team up with. Played with some randoms and took mid with Axe. It was his third game so I decided I'd mentor him a bit. He kept running into battle but at least showed some promise. Until he said "Sorry, need to go eat ^^".

Then he came back 20 minutes later at level 3 while we were all level 11, got pwned then quit.

Ronin Storm

Staff member pwned then quit.

Yeah, I'm starting to see more mid-game quits, which is a bit poor as being down one man is a real team cripple (on the assumption that they weren't just feeding prior to quitting).