Anyone play Dota 2

Ronin Storm

Staff member
If anyone has even the slightest passing interest in DOTA2, I have 13 (yes, thirteen) free invites. Valve keep sending me messages telling me they've given me another 2 invites, but this last time they've actually given me 5...


Staff member
I've got it already, but I'd take one to pass on to a friend (unless we find 13 THNers in need of an invite :p)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've got it already, but I'd take one to pass on to a friend (unless we find 13 THNers in need of an invite :p)

Done. Note to all: I can't gift them to you if you already have DOTA 2, but I can trade them through Steam so either that or an email address...


If anyone has even the slightest passing interest in DOTA2, I have 13 (yes, thirteen) free invites. Valve keep sending me messages telling me they've given me another 2 invites, but this last time they've actually given me 5...

Valve gave me another 7. I've given 1 away, so if anyone else wants them, same deal as Ronin.


Active Member
Are there any more of these invites knocking about? I've resisted up to now as I've heard MOBA communities are pretty toxic, but watching Totalbiscuits videos have me intrigued...