Being a great big leeching git, essentially.


Active Member
It may sound selfish, but I'm happy they are removing priest racials. Who the fuck EVER uses Devour Magic and the Touch of Weakness? I certainly don't.


Well-Known Member
I use them :(

It can be a handy little boost if you're OOM and need to get a quick heal off, consume magic returns over 600 mana at level 70, enough for GH Rank 7.

Touch of weakness is less useful, except for the fact that it's so cheap... if you have no magic buffs to consume, cast ToW (about 225 mana) and then consume magic, returning over 600 mana :)

It's an "oh shit" move, but it's saved my ass on occasion.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree that it is rather annoying that they decide to just remove the racials rather than balance them, they are what makes a class unique, but tbh, getting devouring plague for all shadow priests is EPIC. It's having it's mana cost brought in line with other dots, cd reduced to 30 seconds (so pretty much constant uptime) This in itself is a buff to dmg, as it scales pretty well from what I hear, and it heals the caster for the damage it heals (Hello better survivability in pvp) BUT, with TF, this is going to be an epic damage increase, as it's a shadow dot and as described in TF, it will increase the damage of our Mind Blast and Mind Flay once it's up. Sure, I'm disappointed that the uniqueness has been ruined, but this is occuring across the board in WoTlK, so I ain't all that bothered, and on a side note: Hello Pulling all of Dm and Holy Novaing :D

Cheers, Decky.


Junior Administrator
Another thing that has been mentioned numerous times by the blues on the WoW forums are the two words "DoT" and "crit" in the same sentence.



In Cryo Sleep
Bah, shaddap you, just cuz you got your nice scaling with crit now for your dots! :( Gief to shadow priests please, they need it moar! :p


In Cryo Sleep
Where did you read about shadow priests getting this same treatment? Gief Link Now!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Btw, You is one lucky man with your uber hot looking new beams :)


Well-Known Member
Don't ask me for the Blue source because I can't remember where to find it, but basically Mind Flay is being changed so that the spelldamage coefficient is being raised by 30%, and each tick can crit. Various talents have been adjusted so that crit chance/damage enhancers affect Flay as well.

Similarly, I think Corruption and one or two others can now crit and do a bit more damage. Affliction still needs a few tweaks, but I reckon it might be a monstrously fun DoT-spraying spec when it's done.


In Cryo Sleep
Oh yea, I already new all this stuff, but I was curious about the whole "Dot" and "crit" thing applying to shadow priests, as this would make crit as valuable to priests as pretty much any other stat.


Well-Known Member
Shadow priest DoTs won't crit, apart from Mind Flay (technically a DoT). Just checked today's beta update, though, and there's a lot of crit-chance and crit-damage enhancers, more than I'd thought before. Looks shiny.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Shadow priest DoTs won't crit, apart from Mind Flay (technically a DoT). Just checked today's beta update, though, and there's a lot of crit-chance and crit-damage enhancers, more than I'd thought before. Looks shiny.

Hmm. Well Mind Flay may technically be a D.o.T. But the game somehow counts it as flat damage. Noticed this on Hydross*giggles*

As for the added crit that will come when the patching is done later on.
All I can say is "You want mana? Here's your MANA!"*über damage follows*
It's going to do a world of good for Spriests, imho.


Well-Known Member
It's a channelled DoT, and for the sake of anything that affects or is affected by DoTs, it's Mind Flay will be treated as a normal one.


In Cryo Sleep
Yea loving the new beta changes for shadow priests, though a small problem with the shadow priest is that in the tree there's a hell of a lot of "base multipliers" rather than interesting mechanic, but the change to Dispersion definitely spells out to me "hello big numbers" :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yea loving the new beta changes for shadow priests, though a small problem with the shadow priest is that in the tree there's a hell of a lot of "base multipliers" rather than interesting mechanic, but the change to Dispersion definitely spells out to me "hello big numbers" :)

Well if we take the changes made to the tree and plus that with the new gear that'll be coming along + gems + enchants. THe right combo will make some HUGE changes in the DPS, yes :P


In Cryo Sleep
What you said about mana regen mate, is unfortunately wrong, as with the change to our utility (the introduction of Replenishment, so the amount we give back is no longer dependent on our damage, as it just gives back a flat 0.25% of max mana every second) From what I've heard, this has led to some mana issues for classes, and with the nerfs to IMP.ST and TF, I'm really sad to see that spirit has became a really poor stat for shadowpriests to stack (hell, Int is now twice as good as it) And the removal of the dark energy part of Dispersion was a real kick in the teeth, as it made our 51 point talent useful in some shape or form, whereas now for a raider who doesn't pvp, it's barely worth the talent point (which is sad for the end talent in the tree)


Well-Known Member
What you said about mana regen mate, is unfortunately wrong, as with the change to our utility (the introduction of Replenishment, so the amount we give back is no longer dependent on our damage, as it just gives back a flat 0.25% of max mana every second) From what I've heard, this has led to some mana issues for classes, and with the nerfs to IMP.ST and TF, I'm really sad to see that spirit has became a really poor stat for shadowpriests to stack (hell, Int is now twice as good as it) And the removal of the dark energy part of Dispersion was a real kick in the teeth, as it made our 51 point talent useful in some shape or form, whereas now for a raider who doesn't pvp, it's barely worth the talent point (which is sad for the end talent in the tree)

No offence, but comment when you've actually played it, and don't judge it till it's finalised, it's still in beta for a reason.

Seen far too much unfounded whining on the beta forums for every class, and it's getting very wearing -_-


In Cryo Sleep
Sorry mate, I didn't mean to seem whiny at all, was just posting my opinion/ trying to keep the other shadow priests updated on some of the changes in case they hadn't seen them themselves. I, by no means, am saying that this is how things will end up, I'm just pointing out what the problems are currently for shadow priests and what need to be addressed. Believe me, I'm one of those adamant to "wait until it's been released" and I, too, am finding some of peoples comments about rerolling/quitting WoW at this stage just pathetic and irritating.

Cheers, Primal.