I have just read the whole discussion and damm what a story it is

and for my reaction to the statements Tuldur responded
i have to agree completely with you.
Being a protection paladin is sometimes really hard because much people think they are not capable of tanking the big guys they are mostly considered to be just the aoe tank (for which is offcourse no skill needed??) and tank the little shit like Murlocs and fluffy kittys. And i think this is quite insulting because being a protection paladin (that only clicks one or a few buttons??) is quite hard tbh, but when you are a good prot pala and
know what gear to pick trough al the warrior tanking gear and the plate gear that Blizzard calls protadin gear, it has good spelldmg good def rating but far not the good avoidance and stam as warrior tanking gear. You have to pick
the exact right blance between them. When you have this balance you have an exelent tps on multiple targets and a single target and you have a
avoidance that matches most warriors and druid tanks.
As a reaction 2 Decky, I do think that your guilds prot paladin lacks of
convidence (when i was not allowed to main tank bosses in raids i would have at least let my guild try it out to
show them what I am capable of) when we are raiding because when im raiding tempest keep or any other raid i do want to be the main tank tanking the boss and until now
I have not found the boss that I can not tank with as much ease as a warrior or a bear. Even maiden, this is quite hard to tank is a paladin but i can build as much tps as any class on her, just know what to do and when to do it. And when the paladin in question is as good as you say, and i do think he is,
please let the poor man main tank more big mean things because that is where tanks kick of at!!!
About the treat on a single target, i think me and Tuldur can generate a massive amount of treat, mostly i have about
20% ^ more treat then the nr1 dps and i bet that is the same for Tuldur

. And this is not the lack of dps but more the good button rotation of the tanks! I have once held a competition with some top dps of the haven and gave them no salvation buff and then had to try to get the aggro of me from a mob before it died well they blew all cds and so did I (no taunt or blessing or protecting offc

) and they could not get the aggro of me. I know that this not prove anything but its just an example.
The other downside of having a protadin tank(1st was hard to gear up and get the essence of a protadin) is that he has less health then the two other tanking classes but i dont think that is much of a problem because both me and Tuldur have about 18.5k health raid buffed and this is by far enough to tank black temple and mount hyjal.
Thank God that The Haven does not think the way about prot paladins as most guilds do, thanks for the chances we protadins get ^^ hope we dont disapoint you with our skill and capabilitys.
At the end of the story >>
Zomg i made a first serious reply!!