Being a great big leeching git, essentially.


Well-Known Member
Posting during also just shows trash DPS, which is completely unimportant, the raid shouldnt be struggling on trash :p


In Cryo Sleep
Policy is that damage meters are for /o, whispers and personal use only. No posting them in /g or /raid. Helps keep the bickering down.


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with the whole don't post them thing just mentioning a usefull fact

When I was Class Leader in Zeitgeist and Zenith it was usefull to have Healing Meter to see how everyone was on there healing, When you have healers who are constantly at the bottom for no reason then there is something wrong but generally it does depend on what fight. Paladins, Priest always on top for 10 mans while 25 mans is more a Shaman, Druid area.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the whole don't post them thing just mentioning a usefull fact

When I was Class Leader in Zeitgeist and Zenith it was usefull to have Healing Meter to see how everyone was on there healing, When you have healers who are constantly at the bottom for no reason then there is something wrong but generally it does depend on what fight. Paladins, Priest always on top for 10 mans while 25 mans is more a Shaman, Druid area.

Don't get us wrong, the reason for allowing the meters in /o is so that we can track performance. Obviously, in some cases they aren't entirely accurate; if the meters include damage from AoE packs, then the AoE DPS'ers and the paladin tanks are going to seem a bit disproportionate to the rest, for example. But we do use them to get a vague idea of if certain people need a bit of help/advice/work/etc.

Oh, and we use them to make Elauria cry after certain encounters :p


Well-Known Member
That does it, no more Prayer of Mending boosting everyone else's healing figures. It's GH7 only from now on, and if you die in the 2.4 seconds it takes me to cast it, then tough!



Super Moderator
Staff member
That does it, no more Prayer of Mending boosting everyone else's healing figures. It's GH7 only from now on, and if you die in the 2.4 seconds it takes me to cast it, then tough!


We all gonna diiiiie! :eek:


Well-Known Member
That does it, no more Prayer of Mending boosting everyone else's healing figures. It's GH7 only from now on, and if you die in the 2.4 seconds it takes me to cast it, then tough!

Big bear like big healz, big healz good :D


Well-Known Member
o_O I'm scared now :D Anyhow, I'm the priest that usually ends up the fights with ~50% mana, so...

But seriously, this is OT. I shouldn't be boosting my e-peen here.

Just shows you know your stuff and have your kit sorted, which is guud


In Cryo Sleep
Have to say, Prot Palas are the rejects of the tanking world, being reduced to tanking murlocs, phoenixes and things of a similar calibre, whereas I think ret palas are a diverse and fun spec to play, with some seriously imba burst damage, even if it is a nightmare to try to itemize them :P


Well-Known Member
Doing the dragonhawk boss in ZA without a pally tank makes me cry every time. Or doing MH without a pally tank, near enough impossible. In AoE situations pally tanks are worth 3 or 4 of any other tank, easily.


In Cryo Sleep
This is true, but these things are doable without pala tanks, I've never ever ever seen a pala tank maintank a high end boss, so in my mind pala tanks are still outcastes, as all they get to tank are the ones no one else likes to tank :P


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a warrior generate anything like as much threat as T-bone on his paladin tank. To say that they're the rejects of the tanking world is a pretty sweepingly epicly failing statements, and I can only assume you've only met morons playing prot paladin before now...


Active Member
To be honest, I nowadays prefer paladin tanks to any other. With them I never have stuff chasing me because I healed tad too much and seeing Nactall or T-bone tank high-end boss (well, when I say high-end I mean whatever I've seen so far, that's basically T5 content) is appealing to the eye as well. Seriously, the wings are awesome. And yes, they have plentiful of threat, plentiful of healthpool and do not go down any faster than warriors, so I like them a lot :)


Well-Known Member
T-Bone is one of the best pally tanks, and indeed one of the best tanks Ive seen, all the more impressive as he's also a clicker ;P

I have seen a pally tank BT bosses, but yes, this is generally the realm of warriors and bears as their single target TPS is higher. Paladin tanks have their niche of AoE tanking though, and its unquestionably essential.


In Cryo Sleep
I worded this wrongly, what I was trying to say was that Prot Palas never really get the opportunity to MT large bosses, and so are reduced to tanking things like murlocs and the MH trash, I just kinda pity them because of the fact that they never really get the chance to MT. And In answer to your question, no, I have worked with some of the most skilled prot palas in the game, and undoubtedly, it's incredibly difficult to pull aggro off of them, but there's no question that as a shadowpriest, it can be done. I would really like to see them be able to MT bosses and so they become a larger part of raids. the only problem for me with the pala class is that I sometimes find it boring, since often it can be a one button class.