This is the thread to register yourself and your team for the THN Blood Bowl League #1.
[strike]We need to confirm the specifics/rules for the league, but for now assume new teams of 1000 points.[/strike]
[post=92983]Initial rules[/post] are now available. Also, see [post=92987]Panda's clarifications[/post].
Please provide the following details:
[edit]And now, the registration list...[/edit]
Registrations at time of closing (00:00 1 July 2010) are:
That makes for a race distribution as follows:
[strike]We need to confirm the specifics/rules for the league, but for now assume new teams of 1000 points.[/strike]
[post=92983]Initial rules[/post] are now available. Also, see [post=92987]Panda's clarifications[/post].
Please provide the following details:
- Your Blood Bowl login name (so we can find you in-game)
- Your Team name
- Your Team race
[edit]And now, the registration list...[/edit]
Registrations at time of closing (00:00 1 July 2010) are:
Player Name Blood Bowl Name Team Name [Race]
=========== =============== ================
Gombol Gombol BoneAxe [Lizardmen]
Nanor Nanor Right Wing Rooks [Humans]
waterproofbob waterproofbob bobrek's b4st4rds [Dwarfs]
Ronin Storm Ronin Storm Green 'n' Mean [Orcs]
Children of the Damned Dr Drae Drae's Rats [Skaven]
Kateryne Kasatka Kasatka's Killers [Chaos]
magosreborn Magosreborn Clan Freem [Skaven]
Panda with issues... Panda with issues... Stilton Stealers [Skaven]
cheezewizz2000 cheezewizz2000 Lorien Longrunners [Wood Elves]
Ghostwolf67 Ghostwolf67 Squid Gutterz [Goblins]
Velaphor Velaphor Vela Viles [Lizardmen]
Zooggy McMendes Zooggy Boys [Humans]
DocBot DocBot Goldenmoor Backstabbers [Dark Elves]
Pwnstar Victory Sandwich GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!! [Lizardmen]
Hobgoblin Nathan Blood Wyrms [Dark Elves]
Huung Huung Huung's Hippies [Wood Elves]
Traxata Traxata Trax's Twerps [Wood Elves]
Tempscire Tempscire Ghazghkull's Gridiron Gruntz [Orcs]
That makes for a race distribution as follows:
- 3x Skaven, Lizardmen, Wood Elves
- 2x Orcs, Dark Elves, Humans
- 1x Chaos, Goblins, Dwarfs