Blood Bowl League 1 - Team Registration

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Ronin Storm

Staff member
This is the thread to register yourself and your team for the THN Blood Bowl League #1.

[strike]We need to confirm the specifics/rules for the league, but for now assume new teams of 1000 points.[/strike]

[post=92983]Initial rules[/post] are now available. Also, see [post=92987]Panda's clarifications[/post].

Please provide the following details:

  • Your Blood Bowl login name (so we can find you in-game)
  • Your Team name
  • Your Team race

[edit]And now, the registration list...[/edit]

Registrations at time of closing (00:00 1 July 2010) are:

Player Name		Blood Bowl Name		Team Name [Race]
===========		===============		================
Gombol			Gombol			BoneAxe [Lizardmen]
Nanor			Nanor			Right Wing Rooks [Humans]
waterproofbob		waterproofbob		bobrek's b4st4rds [Dwarfs]
Ronin Storm		Ronin Storm		Green 'n' Mean [Orcs]
Children of the Damned	Dr Drae			Drae's Rats [Skaven]
Kateryne		Kasatka			Kasatka's Killers [Chaos]
magosreborn		Magosreborn		Clan Freem [Skaven]
Panda with issues...	Panda with issues...	Stilton Stealers [Skaven]
cheezewizz2000		cheezewizz2000		Lorien Longrunners [Wood Elves]
Ghostwolf67		Ghostwolf67		Squid Gutterz [Goblins]
Velaphor		Velaphor		Vela Viles [Lizardmen]
Zooggy			McMendes		Zooggy Boys [Humans]
DocBot			DocBot			Goldenmoor Backstabbers [Dark Elves]
Pwnstar			Victory Sandwich	GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!! [Lizardmen]
Hobgoblin		Nathan			Blood Wyrms [Dark Elves]
Huung			Huung			Huung's Hippies [Wood Elves]
Traxata			Traxata			Trax's Twerps [Wood Elves]
Tempscire		Tempscire		Ghazghkull's Gridiron Gruntz [Orcs]

That makes for a race distribution as follows:

  • 3x Skaven, Lizardmen, Wood Elves
  • 2x Orcs, Dark Elves, Humans
  • 1x Chaos, Goblins, Dwarfs


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Yea, I'm in for this as well. I've never played this, though, so, I'm going to take a bit to explore it and see how it works before I come back with an actual registration.

Hope you can hang around for me... :)



Active Member
*placeholder whilst I get setup online as i've not tried that yet*

(Just to add myself to those interested)


Junior Administrator
bobrek's b4st4rds

I hope this isn't a problem with Gombol being dwarfs as well and if it is I called them first in the other thread :D.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I hope this isn't a problem with Gombol being dwarfs as well and if it is I called them first in the other thread :D.

No problem, I think. It'd be nice to have a good team spread but I think we already have a potential player pool of around 12 and that's more than the number of races so we'll certainly have overlap.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Dr Drae
Drae's Ratz

Like I said in the other thread, I'm fine with playing Goblins/anything really, if somebody else wants Skaven, or whatever.


Active Member

Kasatka (my alias in all things bar Eve which was why i joined the forums :P)
Kasatka's Killers

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Updated roster on first page. Please make new posts to let me know when you make an update, otherwise I'll not know. :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Another update. I've added in a few names from the other thread that I remembered off-hand, but I could do with confirmations and especially the details as requested.

Also, that's three Skaven teams. Suggest that people focus on other races from now on, please. :)
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