Blood Bowl League 3.3 Week 5

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
That was quick, thanks.
Undead do seem to be pretty tough, glad I went with with them. It was a toss-up between them and Amazons - and I don't think I made a bad choice, really.

3 players level up and not a scratch between them. And with sitting 2nd in the division, all-in-all a top result for me :)

Feeling pretty chuffed. :D

Undead are a very strong, forgiving roster. Excellent for a new player. How have you enjoyed BB so far?


In Cryo Sleep
4 level ups - one normal, one move/av, one agility and one strength.

The treeman got *drumroll* Agility.

Which means that stat was lost. :eek:

Guard catcher is still undefended, but has move 9. Skill-less lineman has strength 4, but is a long way from wrestle, dodge, tackle and other useful skills.

And another wrestle lino got dodge. Ah well, I got another season coming up to try to skill people up further. (Or get them smacked around by dwarves :rolleyes:)


New Member
Undead are a very strong, forgiving roster. Excellent for a new player. How have you enjoyed BB so far?

Yeah, it's been good fun. Still getting to grips with some of the finer points of tactics but I can't be all that bad with the results I've had. ;)

I'll have to look at some of the other teams more now but still enjoying the toughness of the Undeads. They do seem a bit op compared to, say, Elves but then I figure it's a different play style for each race. I think it's just the fact that I've had no injuries at all that's kept my team strong - especially as I've done some serious damage to several opponents!


Junior Administrator
Yeah, it's been good fun. Still getting to grips with some of the finer points of tactics but I can't be all that bad with the results I've had. ;)

I'll have to look at some of the other teams more now but still enjoying the toughness of the Undeads. They do seem a bit op compared to, say, Elves but then I figure it's a different play style for each race. I think it's just the fact that I've had no injuries at all that's kept my team strong - especially as I've done some serious damage to several opponents!


that one turn in our match turned the whole thing around... >_<


Active Member
Well, he did say he was quitting the league last thread, though maybe he's had time to cool down since then?


New Member
LOL. Thats really quite bizarre.

While I don't want to thread-jack... "Chap-hop" is hysterical, "Fighting Trousers" is aimed at Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer who is Professor Elemental's primary rival in that genre.
Poke about on Google for more info...


Active Member
Ah, right. Wasn't aware of that. I presume if he doesn't show I'll get admined a victory? Suppose it doesn't really matter as my division has been rather run-away with :p


In Cryo Sleep
I'm sure I can do Sunday if it's the only time for you. I'm free all week if you suddenly find you can do it earlier tho =].

Hi Velaphor, I was able to free up my Sunday a little bit, so we would be able to play at around 12:00 gmt if that would be better for you. Still no dice regarding a match during the week or Saturday, sorry.

I just have another question for the board, is it allowed to enter a new team, that has previously been part of an open league like bb tactics' crunch them all?

The reason being is that, while I enjoyed Dwarves this season, I really would like to enroll a new agility/fast team (very likely Elves, maybe Necro) since they'll probably be more fun to play (I have little to none experience with either) and won't piss off Panda as much :D. So, I was just wondering if I could get a little bit of meat on them before inevitably throwing them into the grinder.