Blood Bowl Week 5

Ronin Storm

Staff member
As Ghostwolf says, we're into the last standard week for League #1. Fixtures for this week as follows:

cheezewizz2000 vs Velaphor
Nanor vs DocBot
Huung vs Tempscire

Gombol vs Panda
waterproofbob vs The Hypnotoad (Huung)
Ghostwolf vs Ronin Storm

Kasatka (Kateryne) vs Dr Drae (Children of the Damned)
magosreborn vs thatbloke
Traxata vs McMendes (Zooggy)

Best of luck for the final week and may many heads roll!


Well-Known Member
Bring it on, bob ;D

I'll be around most evenings/crazy hours of the morning. Let me know what works for you guys :)


Well-Known Member
Ta for putting this up in my absence Ronin, dont think however that means i'll take it easy on you come game day!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Probably worth noting in advance that DocBot is very unlikely to be able to make his match this week due to being away. Sorry, Nanor.


Junior Administrator
Looks like Division 2 has come down to the line.

Can the mighty dwarfs once again beat some lizardmen or will the dwarfs be out matched.

Only time will tell.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
In a game that was closer than it looked, gombol had the best luck i've ever seen in the first half. It gave out in the second. 3-1 to the stilton stealers.

The rat ogre recieved his third MVP in a row, leading to another level up to 3. He gained +1 movement, making him as fast as a linerat with speed 7.


In Cryo Sleep
Lorien Longrunners vs Vela Viles - 2-1 to the Longrunners.

Good TD by Velaphore in the first half, very risky but nicely done. I was scuppered by lots of 1s, which was irritating. I should have bought another re-roll, but I thought a catcher would be more handy, as it was catching rolls I messed up most often. C'est le Blood Bowl.


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Well-Known Member
In the no-losses-so-far match between myself and Bob, Bob came out with an excellent 1-0 victory, which confirmed my choice of dwarfs in the upcoming second league. :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
So, qualifying as winner of D1 is Cheezewhizz2000 with an unassailable 11 points. Qualifying as winner of D2 is waterproofbob with an even more unassailable 13 points (only dropping points to my Skaven, and in fact I believe only conceding 1 TD). D3 is still up in the air, with 4 teams on 7 points all with a game to play. Best runner up is also still a way from being decided, with a few teams (Huung's lizards and myself) on 8 points and a bunch of teams on 7 with one game in hand over those with 8 points. These include Tempscire, Huungs real team in D1, as well as those in D3.


In Cryo Sleep
Bobrek's Bastards may be confident, sitting pretty in their ivory tower, but they have not witnessed the raw power of the forest. They have faced the fury of the lizardmen, the feral power of the orcs, the fiendish goblins and the furry skaven, but they have not stood against the mighty Asrai. With the speed of a winter wind, the gentle grace of a spring shower, the harshness of the summer sun and sheer beauty of the Autumn leaves, we will run rings around you! Your axes may fell trees, but this time, the forest WILL fight back!

That's right, Bobrek's Bastards, I'm calling you out. Next week, you and I WILL meet on the blood bowl field, and you WILL taste the bitter sweet tang of defeat.


Well-Known Member
Bobrek's Bastards may be confident, sitting pretty in their ivory tower, but they have not witnessed the raw power of the forest. They have faced the fury of the lizardmen, the feral power of the orcs, the fiendish goblins and the furry skaven, but they have not stood against the mighty Asrai. With the speed of a winter wind, the gentle grace of a spring shower, the harshness of the summer sun and sheer beauty of the Autumn leaves, we will run rings around you! Your axes may fell trees, but this time, the forest WILL fight back!

That's right, Bobrek's Bastards, I'm calling you out. Next week, you and I WILL meet on the blood bowl field, and you WILL taste the bitter sweet tang of defeat.

He's gonna kick your ass :p

In all seriousness, dwarfs are disgusting. Shadowing on a blocker just makes me want to pull my eyes out.

I do hope the elves win though, or else Bob will be undefeated!

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
He's gonna kick your ass :p

In all seriousness, dwarfs are disgusting. Shadowing on a blocker just makes me want to pull my eyes out.

I do hope the elves win though, or else Bob will be undefeated!

Even the limiting low movement doesn't excuse that skill combo.