Hmmm. Not sure how the game has worked out that Cheezewhizz is the winner, since Bob ended up on more points, but i'll have a look at that another night.
So, per request, this week is a bye week, to allow all the non qualifiers to slink back to their holes and lick their wounds and perhaps plan for the future, whilst also allowing those stirling challengers in the playoffs the time to plan deviously for their upcoming opponents.
We'll start the playoffs next week, and ghostwolf will kill this league dead before any more games are played. Replays from this first league to be posted in the other thread, which will leave us with a permanent record of nefarious deeds.
Good luck to all the playoff teams, except maybe to Bob, with his ridiculously overpowered dwarfs, oh, and no good luck to Cheezewhizz, who's elves never had the injuries they deserved cath up to them. No good luck for Zoogy either, who's horribly clean man things scored so many more touchdowns than my skaven. Definitely no good luck to CoTD either, for playing skaven better than me...
Good look to the other playoff contenders though.