i37 Multiplay Gaming LAN


Junior Administrator
There are now 900 tickets paid for, meaning 1100 tickets left available, with today being payday for alot of people, myself included, the rate at which tickets are sold is expected to be >100 per day, so if you want to come, I suggest you get your booking in and PAID FOR fast.


Junior Administrator
FYI, people have only got 10 days left to book i37 @ the early bird discount rate of £63.90, after that it goes upto £90. :)


Active Member
Iron_Fist is coming along? Damn, I guess that means I have to come too, there goes the rest of my money. ;-;

I've paid! I'm coming, now I hope Iro will let me sleep with him again, otherwise I'll have to use my puppy eyes on someone else. :P


Junior Administrator
Staff member
The way I saw it, if you book today and go you save £27. If you end up you can't go after all and cancel 30days before all you lose is a £10. So it makes sense to book now anyway :D


Active Member
I've made my seat manageable by bloke now so if I randomly appear in the CSS section please tell me so I can hunt him down and murder him.


Well-Known Member
One thing I've just noticed, glancing through the seat picker, is about half of us have the "[THN]" tag, and the other half have "THN". I'm not entirely sure how the defrag works, but assuming it looks at the whole tag as a string, if we get defragged this could go badly.


Junior Administrator
One thing I've just noticed, glancing through the seat picker, is about half of us have the "[THN]" tag, and the other half have "THN". I'm not entirely sure how the defrag works, but assuming it looks at the whole tag as a string, if we get defragged this could go badly.

Yeah is from back in the day when there was no seat picker so all us leet old school attendees have the old THN tags we need to change them so as Huung says the defrag doesn't own us all.


Well-Known Member
One thing I've just noticed, glancing through the seat picker, is about half of us have the "[THN]" tag, and the other half have "THN". I'm not entirely sure how the defrag works, but assuming it looks at the whole tag as a string, if we get defragged this could go badly.

The half that can read are the half that have [THN]

See bloke's original post on this very thread ;)


Junior Administrator
I refer you to the point made by bob from BEFORE bloke started attending the i-series!


Junior Administrator
Nah that's fine, They only use search for text, seem to ignore the other symbols, taking into account some peoples lack of ability to put the EXACT same thing down etc :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
though it looks like the seat picker is a part of clanforge so god only know what Shedboy has broken in there :p


Junior Administrator
A couple of people have made me their seat manager... maybe it would be a good idea if everyone made me their seating manager?

This will allow me to move your seat in the event that we need to reshuffle or move, though I see no reason why we would want to move from where we are now, some people may well have preferences in terms of who they would prefer to sit next to, if you do, then say something :)

To make me your seat manager, go to the seat picker, login, then click on my seat, which is currently number AA-5.

Then click the link that says "make manager of your seat".

Aaaand.... done! I can then move your seat around :)


Well-Known Member
If I can I'd like to be sat with the two guys I'm coming up with, we'll be camping together so our gaming times will be roughly the same, makes sense to be sat in a 3 if possible. To be honest, within the [THN] section we're forming, we don't have to be sat in exactly the right place, do we?


Junior Administrator
[...]To be honest, within the [THN] section we're forming, we don't have to be sat in exactly the right place, do we?

Not really, but it removes any chance of confusion from an admin side of things from MPUK, if they need to contact you and look up your seat reference to come and find you and you aren't there then that is perhaps an issue...

We have plenty of time to sort things though so its all shiny.

Another question, mainly directed at people who play CoD: Do we want to enter a team into the CoD tournament? (though its not yet confirmed whether or not it will be cod4 or cod5)...


Well-Known Member
Bah, had an arguement with the parents and I think it would be a bit much to ask if I could go at this moment.

I'll wait 'til the shells stop falling...


Junior Administrator
There are now only 5 days of Early Bird Discount left

What this means is that if you want the 29% discount on the full ticket price of £90, then you have to pay for your ticket before the 11th of May! After this you will not be able to get the discounted rate of £63.90.

Also, there are now 1900 bookings, with 1200 of those bookings paid for.

This means that there are only 800 seats left, but 700 of those people have registered saying they want one but havent paid yet.

So if you are still figuring out whether or not to come, start thinking quicker :)


Junior Administrator
We are now up to 11 [THN]'ers!

The problem with that is that there are at least two people who I know of that are still trying to come (nannums and bob) and there is now only one seat left in the area where we have sat.

Fret not, however, as we will just have to request a clan consolidation should we get yet more people signed up.

Incidentally, the Early Bird discount expires at midnight on this coming Monday 11th May. After that date you will have to pay the full price of £90.


Well-Known Member
Is the 11th you're including there Spicypixel by any chance?
If so that is the other guy who was with me last year, so you can put a name to a face :)