[i40] Sleepingz


In Cryo Sleep
Tent village does sound funky. Giant circular campfire thingy mebbe? Do you get allocated space if youre camping, or is it just a giant freeforall in the green space available / spread out as much as you like?

Also Nanor I'm sorry if me waking you up to feed you bacon and sausage sandwiches upset your sleep pattern next time I won't bother and will cook for just myself. :p

I think if bob is going to be making bacon and sausages, I'm going to be going to bed at times where I can wake up to eat them :p


Junior Administrator
Tent village does sound funky. Giant circular campfire thingy mebbe? Do you get allocated space if youre camping, or is it just a giant freeforall in the green space available / spread out as much as you like?

I think if bob is going to be making bacon and sausages, I'm going to be going to bed at times where I can wake up to eat them :p
free for all


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Sleep? what is this thing that you speak of LAN sleep?

Watch for Haven he snores :D :D

O and people having parties around you.

(yes i am a grouchy old man, who forgot his pillow last time :/)


Junior Administrator

Multiplay sell them at 50p/pair. Kustom sell (arguably) better ones at about £3.50 for a box of 5 pairs. Hell, with these things in I couldn't even hear the wind inside the tent in the middle of that storm at i38...

I'm a pretty light sleeper (when not drunk) and I can't sleep at a LAN without them. Remember also that at Newbury we're right next to a train line (the racecourse has its own station), which DOES have freight trains running down it all night aswell.


Staff member
Sleep? what is this thing that you speak of LAN sleep?

Watch for Haven he snores :D :D

O and people having parties around you.

(yes i am a grouchy old man, who forgot his pillow last time :/)

At least the parties weren't my fault - but yeah I snore.

I'm still looking for human shaped companion cube to share tent with as I doubt I can fit one on the plane :) Although Gombol offered - the snoring may put him off.


At least the parties weren't my fault - but yeah I snore.

I'm still looking for human shaped companion cube to share tent with as I doubt I can fit one on the plane :) Although Gombol offered - the snoring may put him off.

I'm find with snoring. I find it easy to sleep, just when i wake up, i wake up 100% till the following night. :p So you might have to survive me waking up at 5am or somthing.


Active Member
Yeah LAN doesn't really work like that. Is more of a bed at sunrise wake up 3-4 hours later type of thing :p.

I have never tried this but always wanted too, if one was to get a white(thick ish) sheet/blanket, and soak it in water eg from a sink/shower, and throw it over the tent, I believe it might shield you from the sun (head AND light) for a few hours each night through evaporation and sun reflecting.


I need somewhere to sleep, but looking at Argos' website they have a tent for £13 so I'll probably be alright.


Well-Known Member
I need somewhere to sleep, but looking at Argos' website they have a tent for £13 so I'll probably be alright.

Get some wax for that thing, because as Spicypixel will tell you, it doesn't do well versus rain.


In Cryo Sleep
adblock the background and its fine :p

Well you'd definitely be able to see that tent from afar :-|


Just an idea, since we have a "Rough" map of the area..Can we like..Mark on it (With like a Dot or somthing) where we all will meet, 'cause I'm planning to get there about 2ish, set up my tent, fret that I forgot somthing, and go for a late "dinner", and don't really want to wait till everyone gets there to set the tent up (Since I have trouble setting tents up. Don't ask. :( ) and If I wait, I'll still be setting up when the doors open..

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Mark on it (With like a Dot or somthing) where we all will meet

That may prove to be tricky, though people who know Newbury better may think otherwise. Instead I might suggest exchanging a few key phone numbers for those who are camping. However, that should be done via PM.


That may prove to be tricky, though people who know Newbury better may think otherwise. Instead I might suggest exchanging a few key phone numbers for those who are camping. However, that should be done via PM.

Fair point. Maybe first come finds a nice spot (Close to the building?) then posts in this thread saying "PM Me for numba"?


Junior Administrator
I'd say first there finds a nice camping spot not close to the building on a decent bit of earth, away from paths preferably.
The reason for away from building is for noise reasons.
The away from path is that the camping area is turf on fairly nasty ground/stone in some places so best to be in a place where you are most likely to be able to pitch a tent. We have some people (like Vibs) who can pitch a tent anywhere (Giggidy).

It's a shame our normally newbury camping spot is no longer available as it was awesome, if not a little boggy last time I was there :p.


In Cryo Sleep
do people generally all go and grab a space and setup tents all at once, or is it a "when you arrive, you go find where someone else is, and pitch next to them" sort of jobby?

im going to try and get pidge to leave work early, and should get there for about 5 / 5:15.