[i43] Clanbox Charges!

Would you be happy to pay £10 to sit in a clanbox?

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Well-Known Member
It looks to me like we have a considerably greater number of yeys /maybe's than no. This would imply that we are going down the clan box. So of those who've voted no, if everyone else is clanboxing, are you in?

Begrudgingly yes.


Well-Known Member
I think with no rockband it'll be fucking pointless tbh, and I cannot tell you how much I HATE HATE HATE FUCKING HATE AC*. If I'd noticed it had AC I would have been against it from the start. But I guess I'll have to go with the majority this time. If it ends up being shit, isolated, devoid of RB and chilly thanks to aformentioned fucking AC, then next time I'll be halling it no matter what. :p

* I get serious back/neck pains with AC, and I get cold very easily as well. Also I can't wait to have 32 people arguing over the temperature. No really. or come into the clanbox in the morning to find some fucker has left it on -5 all night meaning I have to go back to the tent and find 16 coats to wrap myself up in.


Junior Administrator
I think it's worth it this one time to see what we think.

There are enough of us going to this LAN that also went to stoneleigh to know what the large hall atmosphere is like...

Based on the setup we had before I think it's worth having the box this time to figure out whether we like it or not, and whether we can "make it work" (i.e. Rock band) for us.

If we don't like the Telford boxes as much as the NRC ones then we can likely choose not to use them in future.


In Cryo Sleep
I'd hope that the AC is used to keep it at a normal room temperature about 19 / 20 degrees, and not just used to whack it down to like 10 degrees. Unless you like living in a sauna to start with, and you consider 19 degrees to be freezing?

you can always bring a scarf :p


Well-Known Member
I'd hope that the AC is used to keep it at a normal room temperature about 19 / 20 degrees, and not just used to whack it down to like 10 degrees. Unless you like living in a sauna to start with, and you consider 19 degrees to be freezing?

you can always bring a scarf :p

19/20? Are you serious?

If so I'm definitely gonna have to go to the hall, sorry guys :/

I'm a 23 at a bare minimum, 24-25 at comfortable. Any less and my hands literally stiffen up from the cold, and no I can't wear gloves to play games.

p.s. this is a good example of why AC with 32 people = bad. We all have our own ideal temperatures.


In Cryo Sleep
19/20? Are you serious?

If so I'm definitely gonna have to go to the hall, sorry guys :/

I'm a 23 at a bare minimum, 24-25 at comfortable. Any less and my hands literally stiffen up from the cold, and no I can't wear gloves to play games.

Youd hate it where I work, where you can be lucky if it hits 16 during the winter! Even when its warm, my hands can freeze up. Its a circulation problem, not an ambient temperature problem.

Unless I'm just stingy? I usually have my heating on about 19 / 20? Is that abnormally cold?


New Member
Negative, 19/20c is the average thermostat setting in this fair country sir. I for one prefer 18c but that's because I'm fabulous.


Well-Known Member
Unless I'm just stingy? I usually have my heating on about 19 / 20? Is that abnormally cold?

Like I said, everyone is different. You really think everyone will be happy at 19?

I don't have circulation issues, I do however have joints that seize up when cold, a hereditary problem from my mother. For some reason AC makes it worse, maybe cos in warm weather it blasts out arctic air and my body gets confused. :p

AC is gonna be a ballache, people will moan its too hot! its too cold! the entire lan. At least when it's sunny and warm and we can't do much about it, people just stfu and get on with it, or even *gasp* have a stroll to cool off.


New Member
TBH, everyone has a different idea of what cold / hot is to them.

I can't see a lot of people sitting comfortably in t-shirts at 19 degrees... but then if you have 32 high end gaming pcs in one small room I think trying to achieve 19 degrees might be ambitious.

Anyways, I am following silk in what she decides. (dont care either way myself about the box or the hall).


In Cryo Sleep
Maybe we should all just sit apart then, as we're never going to keep everyone happy. Those who want to be in a nice AC room can do so, and those who want to sit in the hall, or dont want to be "antisocial" can sit in the hall?

I feel getting all 32 people to agree is just going to be more faff than its worth.


New Member
Quick question, before this becomes an issue. Does anyone know for sure that we can even adjust the AC per clan box? I mean does it say anywhere that this would even be a possibility?


New Member
Chances are it's likely pumped in via a big tuuuuuuuube in all the boxes. Might be too awesome to change. For all we know it could be set to 4c so we can keep our drinks nice and cold.