New Member
Yes. I'm in, but I'll be sad.
It looks to me like we have a considerably greater number of yeys /maybe's than no. This would imply that we are going down the clan box. So of those who've voted no, if everyone else is clanboxing, are you in?
Begrudgingly yes.
Yeesh, and I thought *I* was the miserable one
Ah man, wol is going to get schooled on miserable depression vibes when me and Huung get sad ;p
I'd hope that the AC is used to keep it at a normal room temperature about 19 / 20 degrees, and not just used to whack it down to like 10 degrees. Unless you like living in a sauna to start with, and you consider 19 degrees to be freezing?
you can always bring a scarf
19/20? Are you serious?
If so I'm definitely gonna have to go to the hall, sorry guys :/
I'm a 23 at a bare minimum, 24-25 at comfortable. Any less and my hands literally stiffen up from the cold, and no I can't wear gloves to play games.
Unless I'm just stingy? I usually have my heating on about 19 / 20? Is that abnormally cold?
Anyways, I am following silk in what she decides. (dont care either way myself about the box or the hall).