[i43] Clanbox


New Member
No idea if they will put clanboxes there, but if possible we should try and get one on the second floor, the wenlock suite.




Junior Administrator
I'm with spicypixel on this one...

Certainly wouldn't like to be on the 2nd floor - it will be too far away from everything else...


In Cryo Sleep
Ruined what? how? I merely replied to a thread. Sigh.

This kills threaded view for ronin it appears, and as your post was a constructive one, rather than our original babbling, deleting any of our babbling would apparently have abandoned your post or something.

i dunno. I dont quite get threaded view!


Active Member
I assume threaded view is to add flow to replies and quotes, why we cant manage with 1 "reply to all" button is beyond me.


In Cryo Sleep
Well i like the quick reply button, so I just click that on the last post in the thread even if thats not the one I'm replying to.

I've never really noticed a threaded view before, so never realised that this makes much difference. On another forum I go on, the quick reply is just enabled by default, rather than needing to click a button to quick reply to.


In Cryo Sleep
Always gota poke you for a full answer :P

Ground floor will be noisier.

Probably because of us :p

The last 2 lans we've been the noisiest in berkshire according to the security guys, so hopefully I dont imagine there being too much of a problem. Those boxes (if they are the ones that MP are going to use) are out of the way of the main hall, so hopefully you wont get too much noise between the two.

So 23 THNers assuming tets and Dez are coming.



Active Member
Another advantage of being off the ground floor, is assuming toilets on all floors, they'll be less busy. That said, at i42 too many users of the toilets on our floor, did not flush, regularly. Quite Disgusting, i even saw people, sometimes from our box, using the loo and not washing before leaving, also disgusting.

Then again, if one person doesnt wash, whats the point in anyone else washing considering we'd all use the same door handle.


Junior Administrator
that's what my baby wipes are for :D can wipe my hands and mouse/keyboard periodically and then i dont need to care about what other people are up to