[i43] Clanbox


In Cryo Sleep
we're still waiting on the other people on the wiki to definitely confirm either way...

Well weve not heard back from them in the last couple of weeks so id guess theyre not interested. but I guess I have little faith in humanity these days...


Junior Administrator
that and we also need to ALL agree that IF there is any kind of extra charge involved that EVERYONE is happy to pay such a charge (whatever it is)


In Cryo Sleep
I think Munn was defo interested but he is currently in Vegas, i'm trying to work out how to contact him.

phone? email? facebook?

Heck, im in the middle of a field in scotland and have internet, surely they must have le intertubes in LA :p


Junior Administrator
I'm working on it, sent contact on everything I have, he's back for work tuesday, so i'm hoping to get contact before then


Junior Administrator
So clanboxes are now available to book...

32 people, and an extra £10 per person. i.e. a charge of £320 total for going in the box.

If we can get enough people willing to pay an extra £10 to sit in a box then I personally am happy to roll with it but tbh I consider £10/head a little steep for what it is, and I'm not sure that everyone we have will be willing to pay that for going into a box.

Perhaps we should make a poll to see if people would want to pay that?


New Member
I'm happy with either.

I agree with bloke that a tenner each does seem a little high for what it is... But will follow the gourp vote on this one.


Also, there are only 8 boxes. We need to get it sorted quickly cos I'd assume that they will go fairly quickly.


Junior Administrator
If you can poke the relevant people on the list then we can see about getting others. Also there are people who, it would appear, do not want to pay the extra for the box - we'll need to convince those people to part with monies too.


Junior Administrator
We now have the 32 people/booking IDs required for a box :)

I'm writing the support ticket now, and we should have the box confirmed during the week