If we are going to bring emotive words like murder into play, it is my view that if the pregnancy had been allowed to continue, and the girl and both babies had died, the Catholic church would have their blood on its hands.
I am pro-choice because I believe women are more than biological instruments for the reproduction of the species. The girl is too young to be fully self-determining or able to make choices of this magnitude. She has already had the right to control what she does with her body, and who she does it with, taken away from her -- by her own father. When the church insists that she carries the babies as far towards term as is possible it is equally taking away her rights in her own body, and making her an object: this time a reproductive rather than a sexual one. Arguably the doctors too are intervening, and in an invasive fashion; that is because she is too young to make these decisions for herself. However, the doctor's choice is one that allows her to live, and to become fully self-determining in future, and for that reason -- I believe -- it is the right decision.