Well-Known Member
There is definately a trend for people who are just being careless with their contraception, or careless in general to just pop in and get it aborted. Surely im not being a sexist pig implying that an abortion of a perfectly healthy baby in a perfectly healthy mother should not be aborted because you "dont want it"
Whole new can of worms. What if the contraception was used but burst? What if the guy bought sub-standard condoms?
What if through no fault of her own the girl is pregnant?
Noone on this earth should have the right to force her to carry that baby to term. It is her body.. it is her future. No one forces a guy to become a Dad (as in having to spend the next 16+ years of his life devoted to a child, when he can just run off and ditch the girl instead), so why should a girl be forced to become a Mum? I'm even of the mind that a girl should be well within her right to abort even after unprotected sex. I mean obviously she should have taken a morning after pill in that case, but if for whatever reason she doesn't (probably fear of parents finding out if she has to go to doctors to get the pill), then you can't force her to grow something inside her for 9 months and throw the rest of her life away.
Lets look at things differently. In a perfect, idealistic world, childbirth never goes wrong. You can only get pregnant through intercourse with your partner.. not through rape from a stranger or worse, your family. The Dad always supports the child no matter the circumstance, he won't leave the mother alone to cope. Alternatively the mother would be guaranteed to be able to give the child up for adoption if she knew she wasn't going to be able to cope with it. The mother wouldn't be viewed as a slut, or something equally derogatory should she be under a certain age. The mother's career wouldn't suffer, she wouldn't lose her job or chance at career progression, or face demotion. Her place had a free creche and daycare so she could carry on persuing her ambitions and dreams..
..If all that were true then my views would change. I would argue abortion in some cases is wrong.
But that's not the world we live in. In forcing a girl to become a mother you are forcing the weight of the world upon her shoulders, and taking her entiure future away, if it's something she doesn't want.